Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Letting Go

We All Know That We Will Die One Day, But We Don’t Believe It Or We Would Live Differently.”
These were the words spoken by my father on the alter on the day of the memorial mass of my grandfather. He died on 20th June 2010. He had been sick for 3.5 years. When he was diagnosed with his lung disease the doctor gave him maximum two years to live.
You see my grandfather was not just a grandfather to me.. he was not a person i would see on holidays.. he was more a father to me.. he was a friend and a confidant. My parents separated when i was 6 years old ever since then my grandmother and grandfather have looked after me for most of it. My father was consumed in his work so he could give me a life i probably couldn’t even dream of and he has. 
It never ever struck me that one day I’m not going to have my grandfather. I just assumed he would always be there but then one day he wasn’t. I could never wish him for another birthday, he wouldn’t see me grow.. i could not tell him that i loved him and i couldn’t ask him for forgiveness for the times i behaved badly.
I learnt that day the value of time and how selfishly we waste it thinking there will be a tomorrow. But what if tomorrow doesn’t come? I wasted a whole day thinking about tomorrow when i could’ve spent it in a better way. But that time has gone and i don’t see the point in crying over his grave telling him i love him... I shouldve showed it to him when he was alive.
Live today like there is no tomorrow.. Cause many a times there isn’t and rather not regret the time wasted later 
:) I did not get chance to give a speech at the alter that day in memory of my grandpa but if i did it would go something like this and i’m glad i could share it with all of you today.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

In A World Where Perception Matters “BRAND INDIA” Matters.

I happened to watch a news channel that was show casing a program about Brand India. It was a panel discussion. They were discussing the various things coming in the way of the "Brand" connected with India and what we can do to improve it. I will just highlight a few points i thought very relevant and give my view on the subject.
Well the word "brand" itself holds very high regard to anyone. Which one of us can say that we would not have a wardrobe full of branded clothes/shoes/watches etc, if we had the chance. You can have a lot of fake brand clothes but when you wear the real deal it is always more prominent and holds more regard in the eyes of others. What I'm trying to say is that the brand you wear is the way people associate you. So "Brand India" is the way people around the world perceive us. therefore you can imagine how important it is.
In a world where perception matters, Brand India matters. These were the opening statement the conductor of the seminar started with. Yes, it is always in fact a matter of perception. India over the years has seen so many developments and has emerged as a runner up for the next super power, maybe even the winner. India use to be a hype before but today it is a reality.. Today we are considered a quality country, A country that is to be feared. 
However just like any other country we too have our drawbacks. The main being the slow growth of HDI (human Development Index). We are the 6th wealthiest country in terms of foreign reserves yet we have 70% of our population in poverty. We have spent just 1% of our GDP on health and Education. This sort of percentage is only seen in countries like Africa. Most developing and developed countries are at 10%. 
A very defeating factor that we are facing today is that, even though India has made progress in various fields and is a country that the whole world is looking at now, we cannot negate the fact that the average Indian is ashamed to be called an Indian. We have some serious issues with pride and patriotism. For some reason we feel derogatory being called Indian. To me personally this is quite shocking... however i do agree with it. What one must understand is that yes we do have our flaws, but which country doesn’t? We need to take pride in our country no matter how flawed it may be. If you have a problem then try and fix it. There is no point in taking a back seat and complaining about everything wrong with the country. It’s your country too... If its not up to the mark its your fault too.
Another very important point in the panel discussion was “Inclusive growth.” You might be aware of the term, if not what it means is "an equitable allocation of resources with benefits accruing to every section of society, which is a utopian concept. But the allocation of resources must be focused on the indented short and long terms benefits and economic linkages at large and not just equitable mathematically on some regional and population criteria."  We have been able to come out of the economic downturn so easily. For this we need to majorly credit the rural population. The urban population was in a bad shape- companies were facing lower profits, employees were losing jobs, the purchasing power declined etc. Here is where the government policies really helped us. The NRD’s that put money in the rural hands which fueled consumption. If you look at the FMCG’s they did not have a single downturn because they were selling in the rural areas. 
What we lack is ENFORCEMENT. we have adequate regulations but the problem is in enforcing these regulations. In fact some people may raise questions about the slow opening of our economy. It is actually a good thing, because opening up the economy means bringing into the country a new culture. Every country has their own culture. With a country like India we have so many different cultures. The country needs to be able to accept the foreign culture. In the 70’s Brazil opened its economy to the fullest and criticized India for its slow opening. The Brazilian economy has fallen 4 times in these span of years. 
India is in transition where it will go solely depends on the people of the country and each on of us.

Comment Question: What do you think is the drawback of your respective country. What suggestions do u suggest? 

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Any feedback/ Your opinions are welcome.. Just know that this was my view point and I'm allowed to have one. 

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rant 1: Stuff That Bothers :)

The statement “Everybody in this world is different” can be actually really wrong. We may be different in appearance and the way we speak or where we come from. But one thing I think is unanimous in all of us: We all do things, Consciously or sub- consciously, for our benefit.

Anything we do in our lives is actually and ultimately for ourselves. Even though we may never realize it, we never think of anyone but ourselves. So does that make us conceited? Well thats a yes and no. So this is where my theme/topic comes into play.

The word “being used” is extremely looked down upon. In lay mans language it would mean something entirely “cheap.” But the fact of the matter is we all do it. Throughout our lives we either USE people or we are USED by people. Of course its better to use than to be used cause then your fate completely depends on the person using you.

Some of you may think of course not we do not do that. Ok honestly ask yourself the last time you did something just to make someone happy. Or the last time you did something without thinking of your personal gain. And HONESTLY ask yourself. But you cannot even do that because self evaluating one self is the toughest task. We ourselves never know the person we are. We are so confused with our own identity that we cannot judge ourselves therefore we adopt a different persona befitting the occasion.

We blame our lack of judgement on “peer pressure” or “work environment” or “culture.” You would not need to succumb to any kind of “pressure” if you know who you were in entirety. I have seen many people “change” when faced with different people or places. I too have changed the way I am to “suit” the occasion. The person who you think to be the most humblest and “good” person can change that persona in a blink of an eye.

Sow who is the real me then? Even i do not know. None of us know the real us. We just act “normal.” Like any of us know what normal means. Its just another over used word like sorry. Oh how i hate the word sorry. No one ever means it. EVER! They just say it to calm a situation or to completely avoid it. Actually when do we mean anything we ever say.

Comment Question: What are your opinions on the subject... leave a comment telling me the stuff that bothers you. Have you figured out Who you are? Do you act Differently in front of different people? 

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Monday, April 12, 2010

I will try:

1. To blog more often than i do. Cause i have a lot of things to talk about. So yeah!
2. Not use abusive language or keep it to the minimum. I can see how that can  offend people. The thing is sometimes something just triggers a sort of spark in me to blog so I'm all fired up then and things just flow then.
3. Im goin to blog more on personal experiences.
4. I will post the same stuff on Or atleast i will put the things i feel are relevant.
5. I have other Blogs as well, go to my profile and check them out.
6. Please leave any suggestions/comments after my blog.. this way i know what you guys feel. I want to make this as interactive as possible.
7. Let's share stuff cause we more or less go through the same things.
8. Ok thats it. So lets have a great time blogging!

Thanks for viewing my blog!

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

You Have A Problem With Me? Then Go Blow A Horse

 Im amazed at how hypocritical people can be. I mean really. You feel bad when people stereotype, typecast you in a pigeon hole, but you do the same thing. And i can tell you that these people are bloody losers. They have no life, so find pleasure in pulling down someone else, just so they can look good in front of their friends or whatever.

Ok so when I'm on Facebook or Twitter i see people comment on how they think people who smoke or drink are "pathetic", "losers." Who the hell made you queen of all knowing? Who are you to judge these people. Are you their God to pass judgement. They know what they are doing. they are aware of the situation. So why are you trying to pose your freaking "values" on them. Let me tell you praying everyday and fulfilling the wish of your parents or being miss goody two shoes does not make you a good person. It's how you behave with other people and your reactions when not monitored that make the person you are. Why does it bother you that people drink, smoke or do drugs. they aren't coming at your house and doing it are they? So why are your knickers in a bunch? Mind your own business and stop poking your dirty nose. Now i personally don't do any of these (drink, smoke or do drugs). And many of my friends do it, the most i can do is advice them to stop but i cannot judge them. They have their own conscience and individual thought process. Just because they don't act or think like me doesn't make them any less of a good person.

And this does not only pertain to habits but also judging someone's character. Why just cause a girl wears short or revealing clothes, you call her a sl*t or wh*re. The so-called "good" actresses also wear skimpy clothes how come you never raise a finger on them? Then it's modern and classic. What shit? And just cause two people are going out and close they are having sex? For all you know they may be related.. and not even if they are what is it to you? And just cause a girl has many guy friends she is slut? Its called being "Friends" moron.

What I'm trying to drive home is that don't judge people of what they do. you never know how the person is until you actually get to know them. Believe me some people who seem very innocent are the biggest backstabbing low lives you will ever come across. Don't pass judgement on people you don't know two squats about. Be open and not discriminate. Since you don;t like to be on the receiving end of judgement don't pass it on someone else either. Believe me I'm one of both people; those who get judged and those who judge. But I realize that its not right, How can i possibly feel bad when people make fun/pass judgement on me when i do the same when the tables are turned, thanks to one tweet by a friend.

Anyways Guys my exams are on but i have like 6 days gap for a paper.. So yah! Have a great Easter!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Looney Tunes! Those were the Days

Cartoon Network was by a long stretch the BEST Kids Network when i was a kid. All my favourite shows especially Tom and Jerry, Looney Toons, The Jetsons, The Flinstones, Yogi Bear, Top Cat, Dexter's Laboratory, The Powerpuff Girls, Scooby Doo etc... They were so good. And i would specially like to bring Looney Toons into limelight here. I mean who can forget Daffy, Bugs, Tweety, Sylvester, Elmer, Martin, Porky, Taz and the whole enchilada. They were Funny not because they were great in graphics or transformed into aliens or were Ninjas... they were just funny.

Hey Arnold! Olga was the funniest.. being obsessed with "football head" 

Tommy, chucky, phil &lil, and of course Angelica!

When i just started my teen years Nickelodeon was my favourite. Like Hey! Arnold, As Told By Ginger, Rugrats, The Wild Thornberry's, Real Monsters, CatDog, Fairly Odd Parents, Chalkzone, Jimmy Neutron and Spongebob Squarepants. I loved them. In fact these were all i watched. Disney came to India awfully late and my that time there  was this HAnnah Montana garbage. I also like All That very much. Those skits were funny... not popstar- normal girl funny.

All I want to say is that those were the days when cartoons were about being funny and not about making sense. It was made for the reason cartoons were ade... that is to be fun and entertaining. All this Ben 10, Ninja Hatori, Hannah Montana... these are all stupid idiotic non fucking sense shit  thrown at our face.

And thats why i like Disney Pixar films a lot. But we really need to bring the old whacky funny and ecstatic tunes back stat... Please Bring them BAck

Ting Ting Ting.. its an UPDATE!!!!

You know the drill:

1. Exams are tomo.. yuckity yuckity yuck
2. Still trying to fathom why exams are treated like such a major task in ones life... in other words why  
    everyone is so fucking obsessed.
3. Have not study.. and trust me when i say so.... I'm not like those cheap asswipes who say that they have
    not studied and become class toppers.
4. I no longer want an iPhone i want a blackberry... dint know they come in awesome colors. Haha i know
    my criteria for choosing a phone is its COLOR. But we all know blackberry's rock. (DO what you WANT, LOVE what you Do)
5. Watched a million japanese horror films... these Japs are really good at it.
6. I really want to go to Maui... atleast once.
7. Oh yah i got SIMS 3 for my MAC.. wow i love that game.. it makes you feel like God controlling the
   life of others haha  
8. Hmmm what else? I dont remember.. exam stress you know haha joking.. But seriously i do not remember.. so ciao for now

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Update To Life!!! My LIFE!

I had like 15 mins to spare so here goes:

1. iPhone 3GS hasn released here yet.. shit!
2. Dad wants to know an iPAD.. no i dont want an iPad i want an i-P-H-O-N-E
3. Got 42/50 in my Business Communication Paper.... too bad the subject isn considered much.
4. Won my first prize in a lottery kind of thing.. my prize? A chinese watch.
5. The next day snoopy ate the watch
6. Got a new iPod nano.... Pink.. i know.. but they did not have purple.
7. Went to a Shitfaced asscrap dumbfuck Party.. or so it was called.. ive seen better.. but was organized pretty well...
8. Zeroed in on the UK Universities i want to pursue.. discussion with dad still pending
9. Finished almost all Nicholas Spark books
10. Snoopy has ruined almost my whole room
11. I need to go shopping.
12. Lost my wallet.. with my debit card.
13. Got that cancelled
14. Getting a new one
15. Saw princess and the frog, zombieland.
thats all i can remember.. now i really gtg.. bye


Friday, February 19, 2010

Saying something and Doing the Complete Opposite- That's who I have Become

I have Always lived life on my own terms, cause thats what i was thought. Be who you are.. Cause your the best. I had good friends around me who accepted me for who i was.. i mean they kind of had to since we were very young and we all accepted each other without wanting anything in return. I don't know it was just better days i guess, but alas those KIDS have grown up now. Everyone has changed.. most change i have found in myself. It's like i have let myself turn into this PERSON i no longer recognize.. gone are those days when i would tell people exactly how i felt when i felt it and smile at people who only i considered deserved it. I have become like EVERYONE ELSE. FAKE!

I have never been to any parties before the time i was 16. Maybe to just bday parties at McDonalds or my friends home or something, or a house warming or wedding. Even if i go to parties or any social gathering, i would be the person you would find in the corner somewhere because socializing isn't really my thing. I mean I'm friendly and all but i go into a shell when im surrounded by people i dont know or even worse dont like. Even if i do talk to somebody it will probably be to the other person standing in the corner no one wants to talk to. That's why i never go to parties especially the ones that happen in my college. I don't FIt into that setting, it is as simple as that. It's just not my scene. Partying, Clubbing and that sorta shit is cool for people who like it, but thats just not my scene. Call me an introvert if you want, but thats just who i am period. But do you know how many parties i have attended in a span of 2 yrs? SIX, 6 god damn boozing parties.. two of which were my bday parties with friends.. the first bday treat was good, actaully very good, second i have no comments.... I have tried to wiggle my way out.. but the fact of the matter was that i didn't want to seem like a LOSER with no life, so i always ended going to most. Did i have fun? NO! And now it has come to this that im actually paying to go for one. I can tell you now what is going to happen.. i will go there.. have that irritating plastic smile i have which i hate... i will be in the smallest group in the room... i will hardly talk.. my mind will be on when im getting home.. so how will i ever have fun? And in these parties i don't even eat much so thats another fucked up case.

I dont know what it is.. maybe im just insecure or maybe i simply DONT LIKE THEM.. But whatever it is im going.. I owe it to my friends.. not that they are forcing me or something.. they would probably do better if i dont go otherwise they got to be standing with me the whole time.. but still i gotta be there for somebody. They are good people i should atleast for once think of other people than always myself. And why am i making pre assumptions anyway? For all i know it may turn out to be fun. Small doesn always have to be boring right? So chin up Back straight.. Lets do this shit!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Time Travel Into The Present With a Glimpse To The Past.

Today has been a Amazing time for me. I felt nostalgia hit, rub, and slap me in the face nice and hard. And for the first time it felt good. Everyone keeps saying "look to the future, live in the present" and all that shit and nonsense but it's good to revisit your past especially when it is so nice and "refreshing."

The past few months have been Fine.. and before those months have been devastating. It's never nice to lose a friend that you hold dear in your heart. It is even more painful to see that person everyday and exchange pleasantries  and act all normal when you don't feel the same way inside. So what do you do in such situations? I don't know cause honestly i did not have to try that hard. All it took was one mail and a phone call. Sure everything did not go back to normal in an instant but yes it did all fall into place eventually. And and the pieces fell into exactly the places it should fall into.

I guess a broken glass may not look the same even after it has been fixed but i think my broken glass will look even better once im done fixing it.

Im happier now knowing that the step i took did not go in vain. We have all grown up now in different ways and may have our differences but we still are the same friends we used to be. Loving every moment and Living every second!

Hope everyone is doing ok.

Comment question: If you ever fight with you friend.. what do you do to make up?
(leave ur ans in the comment space.. thanks!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Update that Interests Anyone Which Is noOne

Ok so here is an update on my life's happening so far.. or atleast the things i remember ehich meant they were worth remembering:

1. Ok so as my last update mentioned i wud strt studying.. well i have not and am not planning to....
2. Foreign University? Well i would love to go.. but im not sure of what i want to do anymore...
3. Im getting an iPhone soon!!!
4. Celebrated rini's bday on 15th.. gave her jewellery.
5. Have started over analyzing SHIT again
6. I have learnt how to TREAT people the way they shud be treated
7. Took snoopy for Vaccination.... he cried!
8. Saw MNIK... have never seen a more brilliant hindi movie.. Amazeballs!!!!
9. Life seems dull and boring at the moment
10. Obsessed with J and M and few other things
11. Saw my first playboy magazine.. yuck!!! Playgirl was hot though
12. Classes have becoming boring has hell.. lost faith in it all together
13. Dont understand what people think anymore and to be frank dont give a fuck anyway
14. Have come to realize i suck at giving advice of any sort.. so dont ask me
15. I sound almost like a goth person.. i hate myself for turning into it.. bt its just a phase i guess.. hopefully
16. Almost finished reading "The Last Song".. sont think i want to see the movie.. Miley is goin to suck being Ronnie...
17. Cant remember anything else.. so buzz off already!!!!!
18. Oh and just realised what "WHAtEveR" actually means.. it means fuck off... So Whatever

Saturday, February 13, 2010

PDA= Idiots who cannot afford a room

You know when you see a girl and guy holding hands, or the girl has her head on the guys shoulder, or sitting close to each other you go awwwww!!! Yea i go awww too.. I mean its cute! 

But what the fuck is with these idiots trying to dry hump each other in the middle of the floor. Are you guys retarded or something. Ok so here is what happened i went to this theme park in my city and there is this thing there called rain disco.. its nice.. you know you dance will water falls from top and shit like that. So me and my gal pals were enjoying ourselves dancing and enjoying chlorine water get into our eyes and mouth and suddenly my friend tell me to look to the side.. So being the inquisitive bitch that i am so i looked. And there i see this girl who can only be best described as a cheap motel hooker  (hookers are better cause at least they get paid) and this perv ass punk (with a hot body) literally humping each other with their clothes on. Might i add there were small kids there too can they at least show some decency when kids are around.

I really dont understand the thrill in showing your affection for your mate in public. What do you want to make it clear to absolute strangers that your with someone? Well NEWS FLAH: We dont give a fuck! And if you say its all about showing my love then go do it in the privacy of ur own homes. Show as much love as you want we wouldn't give a tiny rats ass. 
So next time you want to show your "affection" in public "GO GET A FUCKING ROOM ASSHOLES" 

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Update! Update! Wait No its just me Bullshittin again!

Ok here is to inform you abt well ME!!!

1. I have finally finished with my exams. Not like it mattered since i did not study.
2. I have planned to study better cause im also on the losing end for not studyin. Mayb others do not need to but i HAVE to. I cannot magically get a distinction. 
3. My pup is doin very well. But has been extremely constipated for some reason. Maybe he heard Priyal's Joke.
4. I am so over and above everything now.. I just take it in from one ear and let it out from the other!
5. I got a sony handycam.. i know
6. I desperately want an iphone :)
7. I have done miserably in my exams.. 
8. And well that's just it

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Politics= A bunch of people having no life and wanting to ruin those who do!

I mean how can this so called party bulldoze over someone's character like this? Why just cause that guy is more famous then you will ever be? or because he has the guts to speak out what he feels?

I mean all that's in the news now is exactly what will happen if a group of people who have no brain, no life, a lot of time to waste, and a butt load of cash of hard working people to waste, will do. That's what Indian Politics has become today. I thought there is a "free SPeech" right in Our Constitution. Guess our "politicians" would not have even read it seeing half of them are uneducated fucks.

It just goes to show that our politicians have absolutely no regard for helping our country grow.. because of doing anything productive they just go slandering the names of people who try to better the country. They are just a bunch of whiny retards.

I mean Cricket is a game can we all just treat it like one? Let's watch it as a sport and not take everything so god damn personally. The players in the sport are no where connected to the politics of the other country. Why punish them?

I just hope these good for nothing idiots back the fuck off and let everyone do what they got to do!

Your A Man! Then Act Like One you Pussy!

In advance sorry for the fowl language. But what is up with the world? Has all humanity been stripped off this already wretched place? Then 2012 might as well happen, unless we want a fuckin Cannibal Holocaust to take place. I mean raping 5 year olds and 9 year olds is beyond anything. How can you have the heart to steal a little child's innocence like that and that too by using force. Don't they understand the mental and physical trauma they are putting the child through. And in many of these cases it is the child's close relatives.. sometimes even their father doing it. These guys should be seriously punished for committing such awful crimes against innocent children.

There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of shit. I mean it's literally heinous to the core. How can a father do such things? What kind of a so called MAN is he? Fucking Prick of the first order. You are a man and and cannot keep ur "manhood" in ur pants go fuck a prostitute and pay! They are they for pervs who dont get action...

Damn that was enough of bad language.. but seriously how numb headed and cheap cud a person be for raping innocent kids.. let alone any woman or child? Have some sense otherwise go get helped or go get fucked the right way! And dont force someone into sex.

Thats all i had to say. If you call yourself a man then be one....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh you look pretty!!! WTF should i do?

So you might on many occasions of late, on social networking sites, you will find these characters.... these are not just girls anymore... the guys have been quick to hop onto this bandwagon!

So you open your Facebook MySpace and if ur a bigger loser like myself you might even have an Orkut account.... so over there you find "pretty" girls taking pictures of themselves with their cameras.. now if thats not self obsessed enough.. they now take a picture of themselves standing in front of a mirror.. umm.. can anyone say desperate much? Yes these skanks thrive of the fact that guys and some girls will comment back saying "OMG you look so hawt with your phone/camera and the mirror brings out the color in ur eyes" Ugh! get over yourself already the may o fact you require someone's approval of your so called beauty and reassurance of the same shows their insecurity. Why do you need someone else's approval? And that to to carry it out in such a desperate manner is so cliche.

Well you get the idea. Idiot girls and guys trying to show how "sexy and hot" they are.  BE yourself and love yourself for whoever you are. I learned it the hard way that people will only pull you down. Live for the happy moments and not for people. Cause one day the people will be gone and all you will have will be the moments you have lived. So cherish them cause they will never be back.

Hope all have been well and have a greta week.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I don't even know if thats a word.. but i like coming up with words that are awesome and sound different.. It's so lame and boring when people write the same rigmarole for evrything. DIFFERENT IS GOOD!!!! Well atleast i think so.

So a few days back in english class (and this topic hit me just now because my exam is tomo) we were discussing this chapter called "Politics of Failure" written by S. V. Srininvas. It a very good essay talking about the flaws in the Indian educational systems and politics gets intertwined in that. When i read the title i went like "oh! god not another person who is going to talk about how dirty the indian political system is and how corrupt the system is and blah blah blah blah blah!" I mean we all know that fact you don't have to go rubbing it in our face each and every time, besides we can only complain none of us really do anything about it. Just nag nag nag nag and then nag some more.

So while discussing that essay our teacher brought up an interesting point of how English brings about elitism. Now i agree with the point that he made. And i also agree that one should not forget the roots from which they have emerged and knowing your regional language is important. But one must look at it rationally. Sure while speaking it sounds very nice "oh i know my native language and all the other languages in india.. i am so fluent in the local dialect." And then one day you go abroad and then what the fuck are you going to do with that knowledge? We all talk about the world coming together becoming more "united" and even though that seems like a far cry from now.. you never know it might happen one day. And how is one supposed to stay united when we all speak different languages? So you mean to say we can all be united without understanding one another? If thats the case then scrap all the english speaking schools and colleges and run only regional language speaking colleges and schools.

The whole point of the whole world coming together is to create unity among everyone situated in every part of the world. So a need for a common language does arise. IF i go abroad one day and i only know my regional language how the hell am i going to communicate? And about english causing elitism.. now come on lets not put the blame of man made faults on a language. We are the ones who create the divide.. it is not the language that does. We as humans are the one's who create the barrier between the people who speak english and the one's who do not. That because we have a natural born notion and tendency to want to be greater than others around us.

But we can never except our mistakes and always find ways and means to palm it off on someone or something else. Wake up people and start excepting ur faults. Thats the only way a nation can grow.

I thought i would share my thoughts here. I hope all have been well and have had a great Republic Day!

Take care

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Family Time= Fun Time

Ok so before i start hardcore blogging about seemingly irrelevant stuff (to you not me... obviously!) I would like to brief you abt events happened so far in a jiffy.

  1. I SURPRISINGLY had a fun trip to SA with my dad.. I got to play with baby tiger cubbies. And they were white. And saw many other animals and just had one mishap on the whole trip. But i aint goin to discuss that. It's kinda personal. SA is a beautiful place.. the scenery is amazing. But im GLAD to be back home.
  2. I GOT A PUPPY!!!!  yeah baby Buyah! i got a dog. My life long dream.. well i did get a dog few years back- Simbu sweety.. but he died and after that my granny was dead agaisnt keeping a dog. But with a little persuasion and putting on a sad face and promising to do well in my exams and take full responsibility of the pup.. she finally agreed.
  3. I'm spending my time in more productive ways. I actually participated in something in college. Although i did not win.. but it's participating that counts right *yeah right, its all abt winning* :)
  4. I have changed a wee bit... I no longer give a rats ass about people who dont give a rats ass about me. I have stopped over analyzing things. I have developed a new crush (although im still stuck on the old one... but i doubt that is ever going to happen). I have started reading a lot. I dont waste my time online as much anymore. I have made many cool friends on twitter (most from the Philippines.. really sweet girls.. i think they are half my age). I have stopped wasting money on myself alone. I have become more active (this comes along with the pup). I dont get angry as much. I actually do help out my granny with the dog. My perspective to life has also changed.. i have stopped living for people and started living for moments. 
  5. Most importantly I'm back to my old self and my old friends... Hurray!

Ok so because of my new puppy whose name is SNOOPY... i call him Sugar lumps (cause he eats a lot and only his stomach is expanding) I also call him skillet (dont ask me why)...., I have been spending a lot of time with my granny and grandpa. They are so cool.. for a long time i have forgotten that. I really love them a lot. I can't tell you how easily i can talk to my grandmum. She understands a lot of things. Although i do get irritated sometimes.. Can't help it i still am a teenager after all. But i have become more tolerant. I do not flare up at them for no reason. Guess I'm Growing up! Finally!

So long story short I love my grandparents. They are my life. I could not imagine where my life wud be without them.

Hope everyone is well and hope you guys have rocking week ahead. Keep safe


Something to think about: Your success is the fruit of not only your's but also someone else's hard work who helped you from achieve the fete. Do not forget them and help them walk with you and not behind you. Otherwise the view from the top can be very bleek!