Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Family Time= Fun Time

Ok so before i start hardcore blogging about seemingly irrelevant stuff (to you not me... obviously!) I would like to brief you abt events happened so far in a jiffy.

  1. I SURPRISINGLY had a fun trip to SA with my dad.. I got to play with baby tiger cubbies. And they were white. And saw many other animals and just had one mishap on the whole trip. But i aint goin to discuss that. It's kinda personal. SA is a beautiful place.. the scenery is amazing. But im GLAD to be back home.
  2. I GOT A PUPPY!!!!  yeah baby Buyah! i got a dog. My life long dream.. well i did get a dog few years back- Simbu sweety.. but he died and after that my granny was dead agaisnt keeping a dog. But with a little persuasion and putting on a sad face and promising to do well in my exams and take full responsibility of the pup.. she finally agreed.
  3. I'm spending my time in more productive ways. I actually participated in something in college. Although i did not win.. but it's participating that counts right *yeah right, its all abt winning* :)
  4. I have changed a wee bit... I no longer give a rats ass about people who dont give a rats ass about me. I have stopped over analyzing things. I have developed a new crush (although im still stuck on the old one... but i doubt that is ever going to happen). I have started reading a lot. I dont waste my time online as much anymore. I have made many cool friends on twitter (most from the Philippines.. really sweet girls.. i think they are half my age). I have stopped wasting money on myself alone. I have become more active (this comes along with the pup). I dont get angry as much. I actually do help out my granny with the dog. My perspective to life has also changed.. i have stopped living for people and started living for moments. 
  5. Most importantly I'm back to my old self and my old friends... Hurray!

Ok so because of my new puppy whose name is SNOOPY... i call him Sugar lumps (cause he eats a lot and only his stomach is expanding) I also call him skillet (dont ask me why)...., I have been spending a lot of time with my granny and grandpa. They are so cool.. for a long time i have forgotten that. I really love them a lot. I can't tell you how easily i can talk to my grandmum. She understands a lot of things. Although i do get irritated sometimes.. Can't help it i still am a teenager after all. But i have become more tolerant. I do not flare up at them for no reason. Guess I'm Growing up! Finally!

So long story short I love my grandparents. They are my life. I could not imagine where my life wud be without them.

Hope everyone is well and hope you guys have rocking week ahead. Keep safe


Something to think about: Your success is the fruit of not only your's but also someone else's hard work who helped you from achieve the fete. Do not forget them and help them walk with you and not behind you. Otherwise the view from the top can be very bleek!

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