Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

PDA= Idiots who cannot afford a room

You know when you see a girl and guy holding hands, or the girl has her head on the guys shoulder, or sitting close to each other you go awwwww!!! Yea i go awww too.. I mean its cute! 

But what the fuck is with these idiots trying to dry hump each other in the middle of the floor. Are you guys retarded or something. Ok so here is what happened i went to this theme park in my city and there is this thing there called rain disco.. its nice.. you know you dance will water falls from top and shit like that. So me and my gal pals were enjoying ourselves dancing and enjoying chlorine water get into our eyes and mouth and suddenly my friend tell me to look to the side.. So being the inquisitive bitch that i am so i looked. And there i see this girl who can only be best described as a cheap motel hooker  (hookers are better cause at least they get paid) and this perv ass punk (with a hot body) literally humping each other with their clothes on. Might i add there were small kids there too can they at least show some decency when kids are around.

I really dont understand the thrill in showing your affection for your mate in public. What do you want to make it clear to absolute strangers that your with someone? Well NEWS FLAH: We dont give a fuck! And if you say its all about showing my love then go do it in the privacy of ur own homes. Show as much love as you want we wouldn't give a tiny rats ass. 
So next time you want to show your "affection" in public "GO GET A FUCKING ROOM ASSHOLES"