Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh you look pretty!!! WTF should i do?

So you might on many occasions of late, on social networking sites, you will find these characters.... these are not just girls anymore... the guys have been quick to hop onto this bandwagon!

So you open your Facebook MySpace and if ur a bigger loser like myself you might even have an Orkut account.... so over there you find "pretty" girls taking pictures of themselves with their cameras.. now if thats not self obsessed enough.. they now take a picture of themselves standing in front of a mirror.. umm.. can anyone say desperate much? Yes these skanks thrive of the fact that guys and some girls will comment back saying "OMG you look so hawt with your phone/camera and the mirror brings out the color in ur eyes" Ugh! get over yourself already the may o fact you require someone's approval of your so called beauty and reassurance of the same shows their insecurity. Why do you need someone else's approval? And that to to carry it out in such a desperate manner is so cliche.

Well you get the idea. Idiot girls and guys trying to show how "sexy and hot" they are.  BE yourself and love yourself for whoever you are. I learned it the hard way that people will only pull you down. Live for the happy moments and not for people. Cause one day the people will be gone and all you will have will be the moments you have lived. So cherish them cause they will never be back.

Hope all have been well and have a greta week.


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