Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Update! Update! Wait No its just me Bullshittin again!

Ok here is to inform you abt well ME!!!

1. I have finally finished with my exams. Not like it mattered since i did not study.
2. I have planned to study better cause im also on the losing end for not studyin. Mayb others do not need to but i HAVE to. I cannot magically get a distinction. 
3. My pup is doin very well. But has been extremely constipated for some reason. Maybe he heard Priyal's Joke.
4. I am so over and above everything now.. I just take it in from one ear and let it out from the other!
5. I got a sony handycam.. i know
6. I desperately want an iphone :)
7. I have done miserably in my exams.. 
8. And well that's just it

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