Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I don't even know if thats a word.. but i like coming up with words that are awesome and sound different.. It's so lame and boring when people write the same rigmarole for evrything. DIFFERENT IS GOOD!!!! Well atleast i think so.

So a few days back in english class (and this topic hit me just now because my exam is tomo) we were discussing this chapter called "Politics of Failure" written by S. V. Srininvas. It a very good essay talking about the flaws in the Indian educational systems and politics gets intertwined in that. When i read the title i went like "oh! god not another person who is going to talk about how dirty the indian political system is and how corrupt the system is and blah blah blah blah blah!" I mean we all know that fact you don't have to go rubbing it in our face each and every time, besides we can only complain none of us really do anything about it. Just nag nag nag nag and then nag some more.

So while discussing that essay our teacher brought up an interesting point of how English brings about elitism. Now i agree with the point that he made. And i also agree that one should not forget the roots from which they have emerged and knowing your regional language is important. But one must look at it rationally. Sure while speaking it sounds very nice "oh i know my native language and all the other languages in india.. i am so fluent in the local dialect." And then one day you go abroad and then what the fuck are you going to do with that knowledge? We all talk about the world coming together becoming more "united" and even though that seems like a far cry from now.. you never know it might happen one day. And how is one supposed to stay united when we all speak different languages? So you mean to say we can all be united without understanding one another? If thats the case then scrap all the english speaking schools and colleges and run only regional language speaking colleges and schools.

The whole point of the whole world coming together is to create unity among everyone situated in every part of the world. So a need for a common language does arise. IF i go abroad one day and i only know my regional language how the hell am i going to communicate? And about english causing elitism.. now come on lets not put the blame of man made faults on a language. We are the ones who create the divide.. it is not the language that does. We as humans are the one's who create the barrier between the people who speak english and the one's who do not. That because we have a natural born notion and tendency to want to be greater than others around us.

But we can never except our mistakes and always find ways and means to palm it off on someone or something else. Wake up people and start excepting ur faults. Thats the only way a nation can grow.

I thought i would share my thoughts here. I hope all have been well and have had a great Republic Day!

Take care

1 comment:

  1. that accepting and not expecting your faults.. its 11:30 at night so im sleepy sorry fr that
