Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Politics= A bunch of people having no life and wanting to ruin those who do!

I mean how can this so called party bulldoze over someone's character like this? Why just cause that guy is more famous then you will ever be? or because he has the guts to speak out what he feels?

I mean all that's in the news now is exactly what will happen if a group of people who have no brain, no life, a lot of time to waste, and a butt load of cash of hard working people to waste, will do. That's what Indian Politics has become today. I thought there is a "free SPeech" right in Our Constitution. Guess our "politicians" would not have even read it seeing half of them are uneducated fucks.

It just goes to show that our politicians have absolutely no regard for helping our country grow.. because of doing anything productive they just go slandering the names of people who try to better the country. They are just a bunch of whiny retards.

I mean Cricket is a game can we all just treat it like one? Let's watch it as a sport and not take everything so god damn personally. The players in the sport are no where connected to the politics of the other country. Why punish them?

I just hope these good for nothing idiots back the fuck off and let everyone do what they got to do!

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