Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Your A Man! Then Act Like One you Pussy!

In advance sorry for the fowl language. But what is up with the world? Has all humanity been stripped off this already wretched place? Then 2012 might as well happen, unless we want a fuckin Cannibal Holocaust to take place. I mean raping 5 year olds and 9 year olds is beyond anything. How can you have the heart to steal a little child's innocence like that and that too by using force. Don't they understand the mental and physical trauma they are putting the child through. And in many of these cases it is the child's close relatives.. sometimes even their father doing it. These guys should be seriously punished for committing such awful crimes against innocent children.

There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of shit. I mean it's literally heinous to the core. How can a father do such things? What kind of a so called MAN is he? Fucking Prick of the first order. You are a man and and cannot keep ur "manhood" in ur pants go fuck a prostitute and pay! They are they for pervs who dont get action...

Damn that was enough of bad language.. but seriously how numb headed and cheap cud a person be for raping innocent kids.. let alone any woman or child? Have some sense otherwise go get helped or go get fucked the right way! And dont force someone into sex.

Thats all i had to say. If you call yourself a man then be one....

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