Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Time Travel Into The Present With a Glimpse To The Past.

Today has been a Amazing time for me. I felt nostalgia hit, rub, and slap me in the face nice and hard. And for the first time it felt good. Everyone keeps saying "look to the future, live in the present" and all that shit and nonsense but it's good to revisit your past especially when it is so nice and "refreshing."

The past few months have been Fine.. and before those months have been devastating. It's never nice to lose a friend that you hold dear in your heart. It is even more painful to see that person everyday and exchange pleasantries  and act all normal when you don't feel the same way inside. So what do you do in such situations? I don't know cause honestly i did not have to try that hard. All it took was one mail and a phone call. Sure everything did not go back to normal in an instant but yes it did all fall into place eventually. And and the pieces fell into exactly the places it should fall into.

I guess a broken glass may not look the same even after it has been fixed but i think my broken glass will look even better once im done fixing it.

Im happier now knowing that the step i took did not go in vain. We have all grown up now in different ways and may have our differences but we still are the same friends we used to be. Loving every moment and Living every second!

Hope everyone is doing ok.

Comment question: If you ever fight with you friend.. what do you do to make up?
(leave ur ans in the comment space.. thanks!!!!

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