Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ting Ting Ting.. its an UPDATE!!!!

You know the drill:

1. Exams are tomo.. yuckity yuckity yuck
2. Still trying to fathom why exams are treated like such a major task in ones life... in other words why  
    everyone is so fucking obsessed.
3. Have not study.. and trust me when i say so.... I'm not like those cheap asswipes who say that they have
    not studied and become class toppers.
4. I no longer want an iPhone i want a blackberry... dint know they come in awesome colors. Haha i know
    my criteria for choosing a phone is its COLOR. But we all know blackberry's rock. (DO what you WANT, LOVE what you Do)
5. Watched a million japanese horror films... these Japs are really good at it.
6. I really want to go to Maui... atleast once.
7. Oh yah i got SIMS 3 for my MAC.. wow i love that game.. it makes you feel like God controlling the
   life of others haha  
8. Hmmm what else? I dont remember.. exam stress you know haha joking.. But seriously i do not remember.. so ciao for now

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