Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Update that Interests Anyone Which Is noOne

Ok so here is an update on my life's happening so far.. or atleast the things i remember ehich meant they were worth remembering:

1. Ok so as my last update mentioned i wud strt studying.. well i have not and am not planning to....
2. Foreign University? Well i would love to go.. but im not sure of what i want to do anymore...
3. Im getting an iPhone soon!!!
4. Celebrated rini's bday on 15th.. gave her jewellery.
5. Have started over analyzing SHIT again
6. I have learnt how to TREAT people the way they shud be treated
7. Took snoopy for Vaccination.... he cried!
8. Saw MNIK... have never seen a more brilliant hindi movie.. Amazeballs!!!!
9. Life seems dull and boring at the moment
10. Obsessed with J and M and few other things
11. Saw my first playboy magazine.. yuck!!! Playgirl was hot though
12. Classes have becoming boring has hell.. lost faith in it all together
13. Dont understand what people think anymore and to be frank dont give a fuck anyway
14. Have come to realize i suck at giving advice of any sort.. so dont ask me
15. I sound almost like a goth person.. i hate myself for turning into it.. bt its just a phase i guess.. hopefully
16. Almost finished reading "The Last Song".. sont think i want to see the movie.. Miley is goin to suck being Ronnie...
17. Cant remember anything else.. so buzz off already!!!!!
18. Oh and just realised what "WHAtEveR" actually means.. it means fuck off... So Whatever

1 comment:

  1. why do ppl think that using foul language in every sentence is cool , it isin't and it tells that a person is kinda sick, I mean use it occasionally as an adjective not as a punctuation. It will make u a better person....
