Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Precious Elements...

I went to Church today. And why am i stating that fact? Cause i haven't gone to church in a while. No im not the devil's spawn... at least i don't think so. Hmmmphh. So anyway I'm in love with church. You learn a lot in church... No joke!

Today was the Feat of The Holy Family. This is basically the Feast to honour Jesus, The Virgin Mother Mary, and Joseph. The "biological" representatives of Jesus during his stay on earth. So today was basically when the priest spoke about family. All the readings pertained to family. What struck me most at today's Liturgy was the sermon. Oh! man that sermon really hits you in the (no I'm not going to say balls.. and not even guts) heart. It stakes you right in the middle.

So the priest told many stories in his sermon... the following are two i really liked.

Once a girl who was about to get married came to talk to a priest. She told the priest that there is something about her parents that has really bothered her for many years. the priest was awfully keen to know what the girl had to say. She told him that from when she was a little girl, every year end her parents would go to Europe in a holiday. And whenever they went for their trip they left the girl with a nanny. When the girl turned 13 the tradition still continued. But that year the nanny that usually looked after the girl while the parents were away fell ill and couldn't babysit. So they went in a tizzy. What were they going to do now? they couldn't cancel their trip. Fortunately they did find a last minute replacement. So everything was set. But before the nanny arriving the little girl found her mother wrapping all the jewelry and expensive cutlery and hiding it. The girl was surprised at this. She had never seen her mom doing it before. So she asked her mom why she was doing that. Her mom told her that they didn't know this nanny all that well and like the other nanny who had been with them for years could not trust this new nanny with their precious belongings. This statement stuck in that little girls head and from then she had an estranged relationship with her family and that statement remained in that girl's head till that day when she told the priest and she still remembered it. What that girl couldn't decipher how her parents couldn't leave material things with a nanny but could leave her with the same person. Were the material things in the house more important than her? did she mean nothing to her parents?

How often we give more importance to material things than the things that actually matter in life. Nothing and no amount of materialistic pleasure can ever give you happiness. Try it if you must. Out of personal experience i can tell you: I'm a self proclaimed spoilt brat. I get whatever i want when i want it. Im not exaggerating. But those things actually mean shit to me. I would rather have my dad be the same dad as the dad i had in Delhi: the dad who wasn't a workaholic, maybe he couldn't give me everything but he was with me. He played with me, we sag songs, danced to the soundtrack of Baazigar everyday. Every sunday we would go for ice cream to the nearby Mother's Dairy. On my birthday we would go to a fancy restaurant and have an amazing cake. He would be there stuffing cake in my face. I would give up all the riches in the world to relive those days. Don't get me wrong, i know people would kill to live the life I'm living and I'm really thankful to God to give me such a cushy life. I'm grateful. And i have nothing to complain about since the roles of my parents is played by my ever so loving grandparents. So yeah i can have the cake and the icing. But those days i had in Delhi.. they were perfect (in every sense). Ok i know my dad is working so hard for my! i just gave the explanation for the next story.. what a dummy i am. Anyway the next story is-

One day a dad came home after a long day of work. His son walks upto him and asks him "Daddy, how much do you get paid for an hour at work." The father brushes the question off and tells him to eat his dinner quietly. After dinner the son asks him the same question. Getting a bit irritated the father snarls, "Even your mother hasn't asked me this question. I earn 20$ an hour." The son then thought for a bit and then asked his father is he could borrow 10$. His father now more irritated shouted back, "Now i know why you wanted to know how much i earn... so you could get some money from me. Your not going to get a penny. Go to sleep." The boy did has he was told. As morning dawned the father felt a bit guilty for rejecting his son's request so harshly. He went to the son's room and gave him a 10$ bill. The boy got excited and from under his pillow gathered some change and handed it back to his father. Puzzled the father asked the boy what was this for. "If you calculate it daddy i have given you 20$. I would like to buy an hour of your day, so that you can spend it with me."

So I've already explained my thoughts on that story. Two really simple stories. Two really amazing and thought provoking stories. You know what's the secret to a happy life? Just being happy and positive. I know it's easy to write but a 1000 times harder to actually do. But we have to make a start somewhere. How about going and giving a big hug to your family. It may seem like a small gesture to you but could mean a lot to them.

So live a happy life in any condition, Love your family no matter how they are. Learn to forgive others. Be a good person. Love life and take one day at a time.

Be safe

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