Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Ad

Now usually you would find me avoiding things like debates, discussions, public speaking, project etc...... Basically anything to do with me standing in front of an audience. The reason being that whenever i am put on the spotlight my heart races fast and it makes me feel like I'm going to pass out!!! yes you heard me PASS OUT. So it might come as a shock to me not you that i actually was interested to do the marketing project for my department fest. Strange right? Believe me.. i have had the same thoughts.

But then i thought to myself that I HAVE to grow up someday... So why not make a start. But as my luck would have it, the time to prepare was short and ultimately i stand feeling like i have not really accomplished what i really wanted to do for the ad. My only saving grace is that tomorrow I'm meeting up with other team members to do some final adjustments i just hope that i can inculcate what i have in mind.

Now the video i have made is pretty decent for just 1 day of work. But im not satisfied in the least! Not one bit. Did i mention the acting is... umm... how do i put this delicately... uhhh.. Dull and inconsistence. Well except for my friend Vipin who acted awesomely. He fits the role you know!

I'm going to post the video here.. The ad is basically for an electric car.

So hope you enjoy the video..

P.s. im not acting.. im the cameraman err woman

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