Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


"The Toughest Course In Life You Will Ever Take...."

A professor of Physics and Astronomy would at the beginning of every first lecture would tell his students, "I want to be honest with you. This is probably the toughest course you'll ever take. Fifty percent of you will flunk. It happens every year;" he was right. Fifty percent of them always flunked.

However after listening to messages in church and positive thinking classes he dexided to try out the most audacious experiment. He stood before his incoming class and said; "Students, I have to tell you something. This introductory course in physics is very difficult. In fact, fifty percent of the students fail this course every year. But I've been checking your records and impressed with you. I am amazed at what an unbelievable class this is. You are all tremendously bright. In fact, I predict fot the first time in the history of this school, all of you will pass. None of you will fail."

It was terribly frightening for him to make such a claim. However he reported, "I did not change my testing procedure one bit. and that year, every student in that class passed. I know i worked harder, and the students did also."

We all have the capability to do anything we set our minds to. The mental fitness we have instilled in us can take us places we cannot even imagine. All one needs is to trust in oneself. If you believe you can do something, then just put in a little hard work and you can achieve it. You can do all things if...... You are positively programmed. The Bible calls it faith. We call it possibility thinking. Even Jesus said that you could move mountains; on one condition: you must have faith.

Nobody can begin to understand the power of faith. We don't know how it works, but once you have a positive picture in your mind and you hold it before you, unseen, unmeasurable, and undetectable forces are released. These forces (call them determination if you will) can bring success to anyone who believes. 

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