Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Day. Old Times

Im beaming with joy today. I don't even know if that grammatically correct and to be honest i don't even care. I had an awesome day today. Complete fun! Even though the things i did today were totally girly. I don't care. I feel like singing. And no I'm not in love... I'm just excited... cause today was one of the days where i did not have a single bad moment.

I got up at arnd 7:30. That's the earliest i have got up on a sunday in recent times. I first finished watching the movie i left half the way the previous night, "Forget me Not." The reviews of the film were good but i didn't get the end at all. But overall good movie with a good message.

Then i finally got dressed by 9 am. By then my friend Rini was already dressed, we had made plans to go to forum to just go to forum and "hang." So we met up and it was really early and none of the shops in forum had even opened.. so we stood outside near forum, which overlooked the central place of forum and the decorations there were so good. It was amazing.
Then we were hungry cause we both dint have time to have breakfast so we then went to Mc D's (Mc Donald's). I had a happy meal (i like the toy.. i cannot help it) she had fries and a mc chicken. We sat in a corner which has glass windows which gave us an amazing view of the the outside of forum. We saw a lot of things.. some funny some disgusting. We then went to archies the stuff there is shot expensive. Then we went to Westside.. Nothing new. We took one round looked at shit and came out. We then went to landmark. I bought some books and Monopoly (so me and my cousin to play). I bought a Malcolm Gladwell book, And a GMAT book. Man my bill came to a lot of money.... Im goin to get so screwed when my dad gets my debit card statement.. Ah! screw it he is paying for taking me to South Africa. Then we bought that and were wondering what we shud do next, we dint want to go to any coffee place.. Well actually she dint want to go. Then i suggested we went to Banaglore central cause she said that it was a nice place. So we went there. It was so well decorated and huge. BTW im talking abt the BC in Jayanagar. We were browsing the crap out of all the clothes. Those sales people are so bugging following you arnd like a little puppy. But anyway by the end of all the browsing i ended up buying two tops and a sweater, and rini bought one for herself. Then we sat outside forum and just enjoyed the breeze and chatted abt stuff. She hasn't changed one bit and i mean that for the better. We then saw a paani puri wala on the opposite side of the road and so we went to eat pani puri.. It was ok i have tasted better. Then we parted ways with the hope of meeting tomorrow (yeah i have watched A Cinderella Story a million times).

Haha but honestly i really had a good time and im not talking abt the shopping and sight seeing. Rini filled me in on all the things she has done while "we were on a break." It was so nice to be finally able to talk to her like before and be "normal." We talked and talked and talked. We were thirsty every 5 minutes but that did not stop us. She spoke about her life and me about mine. We updated each other with all that we could remember and caught up on old times as well. We laughed so loud and were just goofing around and honestly we didn't care what anyone thought. It's not everyday you get a second chance with your friend to go back to being sisters. I don't have any siblings and have always wished for a brother but if i were given a sister like rini i would gladly accept that to. sure we have our differences but then again which sibling doesn't. She advised me on being positive and told me a lot of things that i found really amazing. A lot of great words are spoken by Authors and Scholars but it has a totally different impact on you when your friend tells the same thing. Maybe thats because they mean for you and that makes it personal.

I really have missed you my friend and words can never express how happy you made me feel today. You understand me and i you. I'm so happy we got this day together and I'm so happy i decided to patch things up with you.

It was kinda was weird not having Iyshu there. I would have added to the fun. But i don't think that's going to happen. Ah well you cannot have bread butter and jam i guess....

Well when i came home i did a lot of fun stuff too. But that's a whole other story and I'm really tired now and i need to sleep. I have no stamina left. So TTYL

xoxo (hehe i so want to say Gossip Girl right now)

1 comment:

  1. sorry abt all the grammatical error.. but im really tired and i will try and correct them soon...
