Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas at a Glance PArt 1

CHOCOLATE SANTA!!! (need i say more)

Christmas cake... I couldnt get a good shot it was gone in seconds

Oh yah this shot was also there!

Christmas Card From Rahul :)

A sweet card from my bestie in Delhi :)

Christmas isn complete with the jonas Brothers.. I kid I kid

Grandpa Reading a magazine... you gotta know the news on christmas day

Cant take his eyes off the magazine

We were getting ready to watch "Marley and ME"

I had already put the movie in the dvd player.. we were going to watch

Chocolates.. yum

More Chockies

No its not a ghost.. its supposed to be a miniature snowman

Still not clear

Nope still not.. but u get the idea

Lunch time people.. actually took this pic after lunch..

Food was too good

Christmas night

No im not drunk.. i swear i had just wine.. ok fine i had two glasses

Greetings gifts etc

Thats an idiotic smile i know.. u dnt have to rub it in

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