Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Day Well Spent

So today i had an awesome day. Believe me the last Three days of my life were really good and fun. Well i went singing carols today, that was interesting cause i have never really done that before. My choir mates forced me into it. I was dreading it at first. But then it was for God so i said that i should not let Him down. We gathered 15000/= from the very generous people whose houses we sang at. And thats a good amount considering we only did 10 houses. The money we collect by singing carols is going to an orphanage and old age home that our church sponsors.

This is the first time i have actually done something substantial for charity and it really feels good. On the 24th we will combine our earnings with the money that the church has collected and then give them to the respective charities. Tomorrow we are again going to go on our rounds. Lets hope the turnout is just as good.

As we all know that God sent his only son to save us from our sins. Jesus came into this world and suffered and died for our sins, the least we can do is help his people. Christmas is my most favorite holiday, because it is the holiday that makes me feel the most close with God. I am blessed to have such a loving family and great friends around me.

This is just a way to say thank you to God. I know its really minimal to what He did but its what i can do at the moment. Christmas is not just about presents and parties, its about the birth of Christ. In out words Christ's Birthday so you have got to give him a present even though he doesn't ask for one. Don't you give your friends presents on their Birthdays even though they may not ask you?

I hope that everybody, all around the world, have an amazing Christmas. May all of you be blessed by God and enjoy yourselves. Remember to keep safe and be responsible.

Merry Christmas everybody

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