Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Night When Christ Was Born- In my heart

Christmas has undoubtedly been the best holiday for me from my childhood days. The waiting till next morning after christmas eve cannot be explained. But of course as I grew up christmas meant more than gifts, Santa, Reindeers etc. I learned that christmas was about the birth of Christ into our world. God sent his only son for us. And that's what christmas is about.

In church yesterday the father gave an awesome sermon. He said that many people often ask him what is the language of god. He always answers that god only understands the language of love. And that in fact is so true. There are so many different languages in the world, we all have different religions, we all worship different God's. So does that mean God only understands your language? I don't think so. God is not a selfish God. So then how does he listen to us and answers our prayers? If we talk to God with a feeling of love and faith in our heart im sure he will understand. 

We often underestimate the power of love, or either we fall blindly into it. Many people have said this word to me, but to be honest i have only felt the love of few. So that's it isn't it? I mean even if you tell someone you love them and don't show it, how are they ever going to feel your love? I read somewhere that love is a feeling, it cannot be seen. I say that's a bunch of hogwash, you have to actually live in love to be able to feel it. Even God had to show us he loved us by sending his only son for us. 

The priest also told us an amazing story. There was once a girl named Jane. Her school was performing a play on the birth of christ. The girl playing Jesus got sick, so the teacher asked Jane to play the part. Of course Jane was very excited and went on to do the play excellently. After the performance jane went upto her father and said, "Dad! Dad! Do you know Jesus couldn't be in the play and i represented Jesus." Call it the naiveness of a little girl, she probably did not even understand what an amazing statement she made. Yes that's exactly what God wants, for us to represent God and do his work. 

I just disagreed with the sermon on one account. The priest said that God was born in a lowly manger to represent the poor and lowly. So what God doesn't care about the rich? That is a stupid thought. People work hard for their money and isn't one of the things God preaches about hard work. I think the reason God was born in a lowly manger was to show his humbleness and his ability to connect with everybody. Everyone one looks upto God but god really wanted was for us to treat him as one of us. 

Well that was what happened in the midnight mass. I will blog later about what happens on Christmas Day. I wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas. May you find and respect all the love your family has to offer. You must remember that it's only your family that truly loves you the most. And have faith in God and Live for his word. Be positive and take life one day at a time. Life is a gift so treat it like one. Love yourself and have a great day and year ahead.

Be safe

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