Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

If XBox was Taught In School

No! im not going to talk about our rancid educational system and neither am i going to talk about XBox's (even though a gaming console was the best invention mad ever made. And all other losers who don't play the Xbox im showing you the finger.. lol no offense).

Ok so i do not have ANY siblings. Do i feel bad? I would have. But i have the world's best Cousin Carl. He is my younger brother (kinda). So for now being the only child kicks ass!!! Did i mention im going to South Africa.. Yeah Baby I am. Righteous right?

Ok deviating from the topic entirely. So anyway my cousin and I love to play on the xbox.. he more than me sometimes. We always end up having such a good time, with most of the time us abusing the characters in the game. We abuse the shit out of them. Can't help it you have to get into character. What else would a man getting pelted by alien scum do?

We also played monopoly today. Yeah I'm a hardcore business person, I just bought London and New York with the swipe of a card! I'm so Hardcore. So anyway besides the madness that i have mentioned. I also did go to college. Oh man that was another fun thing. I got a gift for christmas someone gave it to me.. More to come i will do an update on that later. And during recess i had an awesome blossom (a word my frnd told me) time. Today it was Vipin, Jimmy, Alan and I. You know something i always looked down on Alan but the guy is fun. Sweet person. I like him (not like that, that like is for someone else). Jimmy can talk so much i had no idea. He spoke a lot. And Vipin is of course Vipin. He is a nice and sweet guy to. Tries to make me laugh and ends up causing a "ruckus" (his word not mine). It was a fun recess. I never expected these people to be so nice. Can i say that I'm making new good friends? Let's see. For now i know them as good people, who are fun to be around. And then at the end of the class everybody wished me Happy Holidays. And these are people i don't even talk to, maybe i had my perspective all out of whack or maybe im just a HAPPIER person now. Whatever it is im liking the new me (finally!). All said and done my classmates are cool people.

So "Never Judge A Book By It's Cover"

So keep safe and Take care. Have a Merry Christmas Everybody.


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