Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Precious Elements...

I went to Church today. And why am i stating that fact? Cause i haven't gone to church in a while. No im not the devil's spawn... at least i don't think so. Hmmmphh. So anyway I'm in love with church. You learn a lot in church... No joke!

Today was the Feat of The Holy Family. This is basically the Feast to honour Jesus, The Virgin Mother Mary, and Joseph. The "biological" representatives of Jesus during his stay on earth. So today was basically when the priest spoke about family. All the readings pertained to family. What struck me most at today's Liturgy was the sermon. Oh! man that sermon really hits you in the (no I'm not going to say balls.. and not even guts) heart. It stakes you right in the middle.

So the priest told many stories in his sermon... the following are two i really liked.

Once a girl who was about to get married came to talk to a priest. She told the priest that there is something about her parents that has really bothered her for many years. the priest was awfully keen to know what the girl had to say. She told him that from when she was a little girl, every year end her parents would go to Europe in a holiday. And whenever they went for their trip they left the girl with a nanny. When the girl turned 13 the tradition still continued. But that year the nanny that usually looked after the girl while the parents were away fell ill and couldn't babysit. So they went in a tizzy. What were they going to do now? they couldn't cancel their trip. Fortunately they did find a last minute replacement. So everything was set. But before the nanny arriving the little girl found her mother wrapping all the jewelry and expensive cutlery and hiding it. The girl was surprised at this. She had never seen her mom doing it before. So she asked her mom why she was doing that. Her mom told her that they didn't know this nanny all that well and like the other nanny who had been with them for years could not trust this new nanny with their precious belongings. This statement stuck in that little girls head and from then she had an estranged relationship with her family and that statement remained in that girl's head till that day when she told the priest and she still remembered it. What that girl couldn't decipher how her parents couldn't leave material things with a nanny but could leave her with the same person. Were the material things in the house more important than her? did she mean nothing to her parents?

How often we give more importance to material things than the things that actually matter in life. Nothing and no amount of materialistic pleasure can ever give you happiness. Try it if you must. Out of personal experience i can tell you: I'm a self proclaimed spoilt brat. I get whatever i want when i want it. Im not exaggerating. But those things actually mean shit to me. I would rather have my dad be the same dad as the dad i had in Delhi: the dad who wasn't a workaholic, maybe he couldn't give me everything but he was with me. He played with me, we sag songs, danced to the soundtrack of Baazigar everyday. Every sunday we would go for ice cream to the nearby Mother's Dairy. On my birthday we would go to a fancy restaurant and have an amazing cake. He would be there stuffing cake in my face. I would give up all the riches in the world to relive those days. Don't get me wrong, i know people would kill to live the life I'm living and I'm really thankful to God to give me such a cushy life. I'm grateful. And i have nothing to complain about since the roles of my parents is played by my ever so loving grandparents. So yeah i can have the cake and the icing. But those days i had in Delhi.. they were perfect (in every sense). Ok i know my dad is working so hard for my! i just gave the explanation for the next story.. what a dummy i am. Anyway the next story is-

One day a dad came home after a long day of work. His son walks upto him and asks him "Daddy, how much do you get paid for an hour at work." The father brushes the question off and tells him to eat his dinner quietly. After dinner the son asks him the same question. Getting a bit irritated the father snarls, "Even your mother hasn't asked me this question. I earn 20$ an hour." The son then thought for a bit and then asked his father is he could borrow 10$. His father now more irritated shouted back, "Now i know why you wanted to know how much i earn... so you could get some money from me. Your not going to get a penny. Go to sleep." The boy did has he was told. As morning dawned the father felt a bit guilty for rejecting his son's request so harshly. He went to the son's room and gave him a 10$ bill. The boy got excited and from under his pillow gathered some change and handed it back to his father. Puzzled the father asked the boy what was this for. "If you calculate it daddy i have given you 20$. I would like to buy an hour of your day, so that you can spend it with me."

So I've already explained my thoughts on that story. Two really simple stories. Two really amazing and thought provoking stories. You know what's the secret to a happy life? Just being happy and positive. I know it's easy to write but a 1000 times harder to actually do. But we have to make a start somewhere. How about going and giving a big hug to your family. It may seem like a small gesture to you but could mean a lot to them.

So live a happy life in any condition, Love your family no matter how they are. Learn to forgive others. Be a good person. Love life and take one day at a time.

Be safe

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas at a Glance PArt 1

CHOCOLATE SANTA!!! (need i say more)

Christmas cake... I couldnt get a good shot it was gone in seconds

Oh yah this shot was also there!

Christmas Card From Rahul :)

A sweet card from my bestie in Delhi :)

Christmas isn complete with the jonas Brothers.. I kid I kid

Grandpa Reading a magazine... you gotta know the news on christmas day

Cant take his eyes off the magazine

We were getting ready to watch "Marley and ME"

I had already put the movie in the dvd player.. we were going to watch

Chocolates.. yum

More Chockies

No its not a ghost.. its supposed to be a miniature snowman

Still not clear

Nope still not.. but u get the idea

Lunch time people.. actually took this pic after lunch..

Food was too good

Christmas night

No im not drunk.. i swear i had just wine.. ok fine i had two glasses

Greetings gifts etc

Thats an idiotic smile i know.. u dnt have to rub it in

I hear Something... It's Santa.. No it's It's It's Christmas Eve Rekhy Style!!!!

me before going to church

My mummy (grammy)

Carl hours before christmas eve

Side Pose (it doesn help i know)

I think he completed a mission then

Me and carl... hahaahah

Us again... The Two Gamers

My grandpa. He was feeling sleepy

Just the pics... lol enjoy.. christmas pics up next.. watch this space

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Night When Christ Was Born- In my heart

Christmas has undoubtedly been the best holiday for me from my childhood days. The waiting till next morning after christmas eve cannot be explained. But of course as I grew up christmas meant more than gifts, Santa, Reindeers etc. I learned that christmas was about the birth of Christ into our world. God sent his only son for us. And that's what christmas is about.

In church yesterday the father gave an awesome sermon. He said that many people often ask him what is the language of god. He always answers that god only understands the language of love. And that in fact is so true. There are so many different languages in the world, we all have different religions, we all worship different God's. So does that mean God only understands your language? I don't think so. God is not a selfish God. So then how does he listen to us and answers our prayers? If we talk to God with a feeling of love and faith in our heart im sure he will understand. 

We often underestimate the power of love, or either we fall blindly into it. Many people have said this word to me, but to be honest i have only felt the love of few. So that's it isn't it? I mean even if you tell someone you love them and don't show it, how are they ever going to feel your love? I read somewhere that love is a feeling, it cannot be seen. I say that's a bunch of hogwash, you have to actually live in love to be able to feel it. Even God had to show us he loved us by sending his only son for us. 

The priest also told us an amazing story. There was once a girl named Jane. Her school was performing a play on the birth of christ. The girl playing Jesus got sick, so the teacher asked Jane to play the part. Of course Jane was very excited and went on to do the play excellently. After the performance jane went upto her father and said, "Dad! Dad! Do you know Jesus couldn't be in the play and i represented Jesus." Call it the naiveness of a little girl, she probably did not even understand what an amazing statement she made. Yes that's exactly what God wants, for us to represent God and do his work. 

I just disagreed with the sermon on one account. The priest said that God was born in a lowly manger to represent the poor and lowly. So what God doesn't care about the rich? That is a stupid thought. People work hard for their money and isn't one of the things God preaches about hard work. I think the reason God was born in a lowly manger was to show his humbleness and his ability to connect with everybody. Everyone one looks upto God but god really wanted was for us to treat him as one of us. 

Well that was what happened in the midnight mass. I will blog later about what happens on Christmas Day. I wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas. May you find and respect all the love your family has to offer. You must remember that it's only your family that truly loves you the most. And have faith in God and Live for his word. Be positive and take life one day at a time. Life is a gift so treat it like one. Love yourself and have a great day and year ahead.

Be safe

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


"The Toughest Course In Life You Will Ever Take...."

A professor of Physics and Astronomy would at the beginning of every first lecture would tell his students, "I want to be honest with you. This is probably the toughest course you'll ever take. Fifty percent of you will flunk. It happens every year;" he was right. Fifty percent of them always flunked.

However after listening to messages in church and positive thinking classes he dexided to try out the most audacious experiment. He stood before his incoming class and said; "Students, I have to tell you something. This introductory course in physics is very difficult. In fact, fifty percent of the students fail this course every year. But I've been checking your records and impressed with you. I am amazed at what an unbelievable class this is. You are all tremendously bright. In fact, I predict fot the first time in the history of this school, all of you will pass. None of you will fail."

It was terribly frightening for him to make such a claim. However he reported, "I did not change my testing procedure one bit. and that year, every student in that class passed. I know i worked harder, and the students did also."

We all have the capability to do anything we set our minds to. The mental fitness we have instilled in us can take us places we cannot even imagine. All one needs is to trust in oneself. If you believe you can do something, then just put in a little hard work and you can achieve it. You can do all things if...... You are positively programmed. The Bible calls it faith. We call it possibility thinking. Even Jesus said that you could move mountains; on one condition: you must have faith.

Nobody can begin to understand the power of faith. We don't know how it works, but once you have a positive picture in your mind and you hold it before you, unseen, unmeasurable, and undetectable forces are released. These forces (call them determination if you will) can bring success to anyone who believes. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

If XBox was Taught In School

No! im not going to talk about our rancid educational system and neither am i going to talk about XBox's (even though a gaming console was the best invention mad ever made. And all other losers who don't play the Xbox im showing you the finger.. lol no offense).

Ok so i do not have ANY siblings. Do i feel bad? I would have. But i have the world's best Cousin Carl. He is my younger brother (kinda). So for now being the only child kicks ass!!! Did i mention im going to South Africa.. Yeah Baby I am. Righteous right?

Ok deviating from the topic entirely. So anyway my cousin and I love to play on the xbox.. he more than me sometimes. We always end up having such a good time, with most of the time us abusing the characters in the game. We abuse the shit out of them. Can't help it you have to get into character. What else would a man getting pelted by alien scum do?

We also played monopoly today. Yeah I'm a hardcore business person, I just bought London and New York with the swipe of a card! I'm so Hardcore. So anyway besides the madness that i have mentioned. I also did go to college. Oh man that was another fun thing. I got a gift for christmas someone gave it to me.. More to come i will do an update on that later. And during recess i had an awesome blossom (a word my frnd told me) time. Today it was Vipin, Jimmy, Alan and I. You know something i always looked down on Alan but the guy is fun. Sweet person. I like him (not like that, that like is for someone else). Jimmy can talk so much i had no idea. He spoke a lot. And Vipin is of course Vipin. He is a nice and sweet guy to. Tries to make me laugh and ends up causing a "ruckus" (his word not mine). It was a fun recess. I never expected these people to be so nice. Can i say that I'm making new good friends? Let's see. For now i know them as good people, who are fun to be around. And then at the end of the class everybody wished me Happy Holidays. And these are people i don't even talk to, maybe i had my perspective all out of whack or maybe im just a HAPPIER person now. Whatever it is im liking the new me (finally!). All said and done my classmates are cool people.

So "Never Judge A Book By It's Cover"

So keep safe and Take care. Have a Merry Christmas Everybody.


If you Like Movies

then go to my fourth blog :

Monday, December 21, 2009

2nd Blog

check out my other blog too....

Somedays Better Than Others

"And through it all she offers me protection 
a lot of love and affection 
whether I'm right or wrong 
and down the waterfall. 
wherever it may take me 
I know that life wont break me 
when I come to call, she wont forsake me."

So i do not know why but these lyrics were the background music of the day today. People say you can never go back in time. They couldn't be more wrong. Well in theory you could not. But i have my personal time machine that transported me to the good ol' days. 

My day started with me getting up at 6 am. But my dad had to go out of station so i could not go to college for the first hour. then i got lazy and decided to go for the third hour.  Armaan sat with me for that hour. Let me not talk further on what I did in class. So after class me and Rini went to forum AGAIN. Ha ha no actually she wanted to buy some gifts for her parents. So we went shopping. She bought a lipstick for her mum and decided to buy something for her dad some other time. I then suggested we go to Pizza Hut for lunch. It was yum! 

Now i do not want to bore you further with the details. I actually just wanted to blog about the awesomeness of friendship. Now to be honest i don't have many close friends. Sure i KNOW many people but I at least don't consider them my friends (this is strictly for my orkut friends and FB friends and some friends from abroad who i talked to on, Let NOBODY misunderstand that Im talking about them. It has happened). So when i lose one of my good friends someone i considered my best friend, it kind of takes a toll on you. Sure when i first left my friend i didn't feel a thing. I did not want her then i wanted her gone. And i have been hitting my head on the wall a lot for doing that. So she moved on, unfortunately i did not, even though i thought i did. It started setting in after a few weeks of our breakdown. I realized my foolishness. But i acted like I did not care about it. I bitched, snarled, made fun of her, not cause I it was necessary but cause i was jealous. I made another group. They were good where they were, nice people i have no complaints but neither of them we as good as her. She just made everything so easy. We just connected. I could not connect as well with anyone else. 

So when i was done with pretending like i did not need her anymore in my life. I manned up and apologized for the way i treated her. She accepted it and we swore not to fight anymore (Fat chance huh?). But things still did not go back to normal (and no normal is not my favorite word). But i was finally over my guilt, from there i was happy again. Even if it did not go back to the usual i could take off the burden from my chest. I started spending more time with myself and people i liked (my grandparents, my neighbor and his three cutie pups, my cousin). 

Then yesterday we both decided to hang out. And it was back to the old times. Acting silly mad and everything in between (i don't know if there is anything in between).And then today again we spoke a lot. We started off from  where we left off, now how many people can say that they have done this). So that was my trip back in time.

Now i look to the present. Take each day one day a time. Wider my horizons. Um actually just hope i can get up early tomorrow cause i have to go to college again. So let's start with that shall we. So till next time take care, and be safe. 
Merry Christmas Everyone, Enjoy yourselves


Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Day. Old Times

Im beaming with joy today. I don't even know if that grammatically correct and to be honest i don't even care. I had an awesome day today. Complete fun! Even though the things i did today were totally girly. I don't care. I feel like singing. And no I'm not in love... I'm just excited... cause today was one of the days where i did not have a single bad moment.

I got up at arnd 7:30. That's the earliest i have got up on a sunday in recent times. I first finished watching the movie i left half the way the previous night, "Forget me Not." The reviews of the film were good but i didn't get the end at all. But overall good movie with a good message.

Then i finally got dressed by 9 am. By then my friend Rini was already dressed, we had made plans to go to forum to just go to forum and "hang." So we met up and it was really early and none of the shops in forum had even opened.. so we stood outside near forum, which overlooked the central place of forum and the decorations there were so good. It was amazing.
Then we were hungry cause we both dint have time to have breakfast so we then went to Mc D's (Mc Donald's). I had a happy meal (i like the toy.. i cannot help it) she had fries and a mc chicken. We sat in a corner which has glass windows which gave us an amazing view of the the outside of forum. We saw a lot of things.. some funny some disgusting. We then went to archies the stuff there is shot expensive. Then we went to Westside.. Nothing new. We took one round looked at shit and came out. We then went to landmark. I bought some books and Monopoly (so me and my cousin to play). I bought a Malcolm Gladwell book, And a GMAT book. Man my bill came to a lot of money.... Im goin to get so screwed when my dad gets my debit card statement.. Ah! screw it he is paying for taking me to South Africa. Then we bought that and were wondering what we shud do next, we dint want to go to any coffee place.. Well actually she dint want to go. Then i suggested we went to Banaglore central cause she said that it was a nice place. So we went there. It was so well decorated and huge. BTW im talking abt the BC in Jayanagar. We were browsing the crap out of all the clothes. Those sales people are so bugging following you arnd like a little puppy. But anyway by the end of all the browsing i ended up buying two tops and a sweater, and rini bought one for herself. Then we sat outside forum and just enjoyed the breeze and chatted abt stuff. She hasn't changed one bit and i mean that for the better. We then saw a paani puri wala on the opposite side of the road and so we went to eat pani puri.. It was ok i have tasted better. Then we parted ways with the hope of meeting tomorrow (yeah i have watched A Cinderella Story a million times).

Haha but honestly i really had a good time and im not talking abt the shopping and sight seeing. Rini filled me in on all the things she has done while "we were on a break." It was so nice to be finally able to talk to her like before and be "normal." We talked and talked and talked. We were thirsty every 5 minutes but that did not stop us. She spoke about her life and me about mine. We updated each other with all that we could remember and caught up on old times as well. We laughed so loud and were just goofing around and honestly we didn't care what anyone thought. It's not everyday you get a second chance with your friend to go back to being sisters. I don't have any siblings and have always wished for a brother but if i were given a sister like rini i would gladly accept that to. sure we have our differences but then again which sibling doesn't. She advised me on being positive and told me a lot of things that i found really amazing. A lot of great words are spoken by Authors and Scholars but it has a totally different impact on you when your friend tells the same thing. Maybe thats because they mean for you and that makes it personal.

I really have missed you my friend and words can never express how happy you made me feel today. You understand me and i you. I'm so happy we got this day together and I'm so happy i decided to patch things up with you.

It was kinda was weird not having Iyshu there. I would have added to the fun. But i don't think that's going to happen. Ah well you cannot have bread butter and jam i guess....

Well when i came home i did a lot of fun stuff too. But that's a whole other story and I'm really tired now and i need to sleep. I have no stamina left. So TTYL

xoxo (hehe i so want to say Gossip Girl right now)

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Ad

Now usually you would find me avoiding things like debates, discussions, public speaking, project etc...... Basically anything to do with me standing in front of an audience. The reason being that whenever i am put on the spotlight my heart races fast and it makes me feel like I'm going to pass out!!! yes you heard me PASS OUT. So it might come as a shock to me not you that i actually was interested to do the marketing project for my department fest. Strange right? Believe me.. i have had the same thoughts.

But then i thought to myself that I HAVE to grow up someday... So why not make a start. But as my luck would have it, the time to prepare was short and ultimately i stand feeling like i have not really accomplished what i really wanted to do for the ad. My only saving grace is that tomorrow I'm meeting up with other team members to do some final adjustments i just hope that i can inculcate what i have in mind.

Now the video i have made is pretty decent for just 1 day of work. But im not satisfied in the least! Not one bit. Did i mention the acting is... umm... how do i put this delicately... uhhh.. Dull and inconsistence. Well except for my friend Vipin who acted awesomely. He fits the role you know!

I'm going to post the video here.. The ad is basically for an electric car.

So hope you enjoy the video..

P.s. im not acting.. im the cameraman err woman

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Day Well Spent

So today i had an awesome day. Believe me the last Three days of my life were really good and fun. Well i went singing carols today, that was interesting cause i have never really done that before. My choir mates forced me into it. I was dreading it at first. But then it was for God so i said that i should not let Him down. We gathered 15000/= from the very generous people whose houses we sang at. And thats a good amount considering we only did 10 houses. The money we collect by singing carols is going to an orphanage and old age home that our church sponsors.

This is the first time i have actually done something substantial for charity and it really feels good. On the 24th we will combine our earnings with the money that the church has collected and then give them to the respective charities. Tomorrow we are again going to go on our rounds. Lets hope the turnout is just as good.

As we all know that God sent his only son to save us from our sins. Jesus came into this world and suffered and died for our sins, the least we can do is help his people. Christmas is my most favorite holiday, because it is the holiday that makes me feel the most close with God. I am blessed to have such a loving family and great friends around me.

This is just a way to say thank you to God. I know its really minimal to what He did but its what i can do at the moment. Christmas is not just about presents and parties, its about the birth of Christ. In out words Christ's Birthday so you have got to give him a present even though he doesn't ask for one. Don't you give your friends presents on their Birthdays even though they may not ask you?

I hope that everybody, all around the world, have an amazing Christmas. May all of you be blessed by God and enjoy yourselves. Remember to keep safe and be responsible.

Merry Christmas everybody