Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Saying something and Doing the Complete Opposite- That's who I have Become

I have Always lived life on my own terms, cause thats what i was thought. Be who you are.. Cause your the best. I had good friends around me who accepted me for who i was.. i mean they kind of had to since we were very young and we all accepted each other without wanting anything in return. I don't know it was just better days i guess, but alas those KIDS have grown up now. Everyone has changed.. most change i have found in myself. It's like i have let myself turn into this PERSON i no longer recognize.. gone are those days when i would tell people exactly how i felt when i felt it and smile at people who only i considered deserved it. I have become like EVERYONE ELSE. FAKE!

I have never been to any parties before the time i was 16. Maybe to just bday parties at McDonalds or my friends home or something, or a house warming or wedding. Even if i go to parties or any social gathering, i would be the person you would find in the corner somewhere because socializing isn't really my thing. I mean I'm friendly and all but i go into a shell when im surrounded by people i dont know or even worse dont like. Even if i do talk to somebody it will probably be to the other person standing in the corner no one wants to talk to. That's why i never go to parties especially the ones that happen in my college. I don't FIt into that setting, it is as simple as that. It's just not my scene. Partying, Clubbing and that sorta shit is cool for people who like it, but thats just not my scene. Call me an introvert if you want, but thats just who i am period. But do you know how many parties i have attended in a span of 2 yrs? SIX, 6 god damn boozing parties.. two of which were my bday parties with friends.. the first bday treat was good, actaully very good, second i have no comments.... I have tried to wiggle my way out.. but the fact of the matter was that i didn't want to seem like a LOSER with no life, so i always ended going to most. Did i have fun? NO! And now it has come to this that im actually paying to go for one. I can tell you now what is going to happen.. i will go there.. have that irritating plastic smile i have which i hate... i will be in the smallest group in the room... i will hardly talk.. my mind will be on when im getting home.. so how will i ever have fun? And in these parties i don't even eat much so thats another fucked up case.

I dont know what it is.. maybe im just insecure or maybe i simply DONT LIKE THEM.. But whatever it is im going.. I owe it to my friends.. not that they are forcing me or something.. they would probably do better if i dont go otherwise they got to be standing with me the whole time.. but still i gotta be there for somebody. They are good people i should atleast for once think of other people than always myself. And why am i making pre assumptions anyway? For all i know it may turn out to be fun. Small doesn always have to be boring right? So chin up Back straight.. Lets do this shit!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Time Travel Into The Present With a Glimpse To The Past.

Today has been a Amazing time for me. I felt nostalgia hit, rub, and slap me in the face nice and hard. And for the first time it felt good. Everyone keeps saying "look to the future, live in the present" and all that shit and nonsense but it's good to revisit your past especially when it is so nice and "refreshing."

The past few months have been Fine.. and before those months have been devastating. It's never nice to lose a friend that you hold dear in your heart. It is even more painful to see that person everyday and exchange pleasantries  and act all normal when you don't feel the same way inside. So what do you do in such situations? I don't know cause honestly i did not have to try that hard. All it took was one mail and a phone call. Sure everything did not go back to normal in an instant but yes it did all fall into place eventually. And and the pieces fell into exactly the places it should fall into.

I guess a broken glass may not look the same even after it has been fixed but i think my broken glass will look even better once im done fixing it.

Im happier now knowing that the step i took did not go in vain. We have all grown up now in different ways and may have our differences but we still are the same friends we used to be. Loving every moment and Living every second!

Hope everyone is doing ok.

Comment question: If you ever fight with you friend.. what do you do to make up?
(leave ur ans in the comment space.. thanks!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Update that Interests Anyone Which Is noOne

Ok so here is an update on my life's happening so far.. or atleast the things i remember ehich meant they were worth remembering:

1. Ok so as my last update mentioned i wud strt studying.. well i have not and am not planning to....
2. Foreign University? Well i would love to go.. but im not sure of what i want to do anymore...
3. Im getting an iPhone soon!!!
4. Celebrated rini's bday on 15th.. gave her jewellery.
5. Have started over analyzing SHIT again
6. I have learnt how to TREAT people the way they shud be treated
7. Took snoopy for Vaccination.... he cried!
8. Saw MNIK... have never seen a more brilliant hindi movie.. Amazeballs!!!!
9. Life seems dull and boring at the moment
10. Obsessed with J and M and few other things
11. Saw my first playboy magazine.. yuck!!! Playgirl was hot though
12. Classes have becoming boring has hell.. lost faith in it all together
13. Dont understand what people think anymore and to be frank dont give a fuck anyway
14. Have come to realize i suck at giving advice of any sort.. so dont ask me
15. I sound almost like a goth person.. i hate myself for turning into it.. bt its just a phase i guess.. hopefully
16. Almost finished reading "The Last Song".. sont think i want to see the movie.. Miley is goin to suck being Ronnie...
17. Cant remember anything else.. so buzz off already!!!!!
18. Oh and just realised what "WHAtEveR" actually means.. it means fuck off... So Whatever

Saturday, February 13, 2010

PDA= Idiots who cannot afford a room

You know when you see a girl and guy holding hands, or the girl has her head on the guys shoulder, or sitting close to each other you go awwwww!!! Yea i go awww too.. I mean its cute! 

But what the fuck is with these idiots trying to dry hump each other in the middle of the floor. Are you guys retarded or something. Ok so here is what happened i went to this theme park in my city and there is this thing there called rain disco.. its nice.. you know you dance will water falls from top and shit like that. So me and my gal pals were enjoying ourselves dancing and enjoying chlorine water get into our eyes and mouth and suddenly my friend tell me to look to the side.. So being the inquisitive bitch that i am so i looked. And there i see this girl who can only be best described as a cheap motel hooker  (hookers are better cause at least they get paid) and this perv ass punk (with a hot body) literally humping each other with their clothes on. Might i add there were small kids there too can they at least show some decency when kids are around.

I really dont understand the thrill in showing your affection for your mate in public. What do you want to make it clear to absolute strangers that your with someone? Well NEWS FLAH: We dont give a fuck! And if you say its all about showing my love then go do it in the privacy of ur own homes. Show as much love as you want we wouldn't give a tiny rats ass. 
So next time you want to show your "affection" in public "GO GET A FUCKING ROOM ASSHOLES" 

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Update! Update! Wait No its just me Bullshittin again!

Ok here is to inform you abt well ME!!!

1. I have finally finished with my exams. Not like it mattered since i did not study.
2. I have planned to study better cause im also on the losing end for not studyin. Mayb others do not need to but i HAVE to. I cannot magically get a distinction. 
3. My pup is doin very well. But has been extremely constipated for some reason. Maybe he heard Priyal's Joke.
4. I am so over and above everything now.. I just take it in from one ear and let it out from the other!
5. I got a sony handycam.. i know
6. I desperately want an iphone :)
7. I have done miserably in my exams.. 
8. And well that's just it