Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Politics= A bunch of people having no life and wanting to ruin those who do!

I mean how can this so called party bulldoze over someone's character like this? Why just cause that guy is more famous then you will ever be? or because he has the guts to speak out what he feels?

I mean all that's in the news now is exactly what will happen if a group of people who have no brain, no life, a lot of time to waste, and a butt load of cash of hard working people to waste, will do. That's what Indian Politics has become today. I thought there is a "free SPeech" right in Our Constitution. Guess our "politicians" would not have even read it seeing half of them are uneducated fucks.

It just goes to show that our politicians have absolutely no regard for helping our country grow.. because of doing anything productive they just go slandering the names of people who try to better the country. They are just a bunch of whiny retards.

I mean Cricket is a game can we all just treat it like one? Let's watch it as a sport and not take everything so god damn personally. The players in the sport are no where connected to the politics of the other country. Why punish them?

I just hope these good for nothing idiots back the fuck off and let everyone do what they got to do!

Your A Man! Then Act Like One you Pussy!

In advance sorry for the fowl language. But what is up with the world? Has all humanity been stripped off this already wretched place? Then 2012 might as well happen, unless we want a fuckin Cannibal Holocaust to take place. I mean raping 5 year olds and 9 year olds is beyond anything. How can you have the heart to steal a little child's innocence like that and that too by using force. Don't they understand the mental and physical trauma they are putting the child through. And in many of these cases it is the child's close relatives.. sometimes even their father doing it. These guys should be seriously punished for committing such awful crimes against innocent children.

There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of shit. I mean it's literally heinous to the core. How can a father do such things? What kind of a so called MAN is he? Fucking Prick of the first order. You are a man and and cannot keep ur "manhood" in ur pants go fuck a prostitute and pay! They are they for pervs who dont get action...

Damn that was enough of bad language.. but seriously how numb headed and cheap cud a person be for raping innocent kids.. let alone any woman or child? Have some sense otherwise go get helped or go get fucked the right way! And dont force someone into sex.

Thats all i had to say. If you call yourself a man then be one....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh you look pretty!!! WTF should i do?

So you might on many occasions of late, on social networking sites, you will find these characters.... these are not just girls anymore... the guys have been quick to hop onto this bandwagon!

So you open your Facebook MySpace and if ur a bigger loser like myself you might even have an Orkut account.... so over there you find "pretty" girls taking pictures of themselves with their cameras.. now if thats not self obsessed enough.. they now take a picture of themselves standing in front of a mirror.. umm.. can anyone say desperate much? Yes these skanks thrive of the fact that guys and some girls will comment back saying "OMG you look so hawt with your phone/camera and the mirror brings out the color in ur eyes" Ugh! get over yourself already the may o fact you require someone's approval of your so called beauty and reassurance of the same shows their insecurity. Why do you need someone else's approval? And that to to carry it out in such a desperate manner is so cliche.

Well you get the idea. Idiot girls and guys trying to show how "sexy and hot" they are.  BE yourself and love yourself for whoever you are. I learned it the hard way that people will only pull you down. Live for the happy moments and not for people. Cause one day the people will be gone and all you will have will be the moments you have lived. So cherish them cause they will never be back.

Hope all have been well and have a greta week.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I don't even know if thats a word.. but i like coming up with words that are awesome and sound different.. It's so lame and boring when people write the same rigmarole for evrything. DIFFERENT IS GOOD!!!! Well atleast i think so.

So a few days back in english class (and this topic hit me just now because my exam is tomo) we were discussing this chapter called "Politics of Failure" written by S. V. Srininvas. It a very good essay talking about the flaws in the Indian educational systems and politics gets intertwined in that. When i read the title i went like "oh! god not another person who is going to talk about how dirty the indian political system is and how corrupt the system is and blah blah blah blah blah!" I mean we all know that fact you don't have to go rubbing it in our face each and every time, besides we can only complain none of us really do anything about it. Just nag nag nag nag and then nag some more.

So while discussing that essay our teacher brought up an interesting point of how English brings about elitism. Now i agree with the point that he made. And i also agree that one should not forget the roots from which they have emerged and knowing your regional language is important. But one must look at it rationally. Sure while speaking it sounds very nice "oh i know my native language and all the other languages in india.. i am so fluent in the local dialect." And then one day you go abroad and then what the fuck are you going to do with that knowledge? We all talk about the world coming together becoming more "united" and even though that seems like a far cry from now.. you never know it might happen one day. And how is one supposed to stay united when we all speak different languages? So you mean to say we can all be united without understanding one another? If thats the case then scrap all the english speaking schools and colleges and run only regional language speaking colleges and schools.

The whole point of the whole world coming together is to create unity among everyone situated in every part of the world. So a need for a common language does arise. IF i go abroad one day and i only know my regional language how the hell am i going to communicate? And about english causing elitism.. now come on lets not put the blame of man made faults on a language. We are the ones who create the divide.. it is not the language that does. We as humans are the one's who create the barrier between the people who speak english and the one's who do not. That because we have a natural born notion and tendency to want to be greater than others around us.

But we can never except our mistakes and always find ways and means to palm it off on someone or something else. Wake up people and start excepting ur faults. Thats the only way a nation can grow.

I thought i would share my thoughts here. I hope all have been well and have had a great Republic Day!

Take care

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Family Time= Fun Time

Ok so before i start hardcore blogging about seemingly irrelevant stuff (to you not me... obviously!) I would like to brief you abt events happened so far in a jiffy.

  1. I SURPRISINGLY had a fun trip to SA with my dad.. I got to play with baby tiger cubbies. And they were white. And saw many other animals and just had one mishap on the whole trip. But i aint goin to discuss that. It's kinda personal. SA is a beautiful place.. the scenery is amazing. But im GLAD to be back home.
  2. I GOT A PUPPY!!!!  yeah baby Buyah! i got a dog. My life long dream.. well i did get a dog few years back- Simbu sweety.. but he died and after that my granny was dead agaisnt keeping a dog. But with a little persuasion and putting on a sad face and promising to do well in my exams and take full responsibility of the pup.. she finally agreed.
  3. I'm spending my time in more productive ways. I actually participated in something in college. Although i did not win.. but it's participating that counts right *yeah right, its all abt winning* :)
  4. I have changed a wee bit... I no longer give a rats ass about people who dont give a rats ass about me. I have stopped over analyzing things. I have developed a new crush (although im still stuck on the old one... but i doubt that is ever going to happen). I have started reading a lot. I dont waste my time online as much anymore. I have made many cool friends on twitter (most from the Philippines.. really sweet girls.. i think they are half my age). I have stopped wasting money on myself alone. I have become more active (this comes along with the pup). I dont get angry as much. I actually do help out my granny with the dog. My perspective to life has also changed.. i have stopped living for people and started living for moments. 
  5. Most importantly I'm back to my old self and my old friends... Hurray!

Ok so because of my new puppy whose name is SNOOPY... i call him Sugar lumps (cause he eats a lot and only his stomach is expanding) I also call him skillet (dont ask me why)...., I have been spending a lot of time with my granny and grandpa. They are so cool.. for a long time i have forgotten that. I really love them a lot. I can't tell you how easily i can talk to my grandmum. She understands a lot of things. Although i do get irritated sometimes.. Can't help it i still am a teenager after all. But i have become more tolerant. I do not flare up at them for no reason. Guess I'm Growing up! Finally!

So long story short I love my grandparents. They are my life. I could not imagine where my life wud be without them.

Hope everyone is well and hope you guys have rocking week ahead. Keep safe


Something to think about: Your success is the fruit of not only your's but also someone else's hard work who helped you from achieve the fete. Do not forget them and help them walk with you and not behind you. Otherwise the view from the top can be very bleek!