Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Just Series: Just Thinking

There are few days in a persons life which may seem simple but are still one of their unforgettable memories…. Haha I say few but there may be many depending on how you perceive things. I guess its always the simple things for me. Yes people who know me may probably say I am a kind of person who wants things “larger than life”, I will not disagree with that I am what u call high maintenance :P But yah I think its because I do get all I want I sometimes miss out on the little things in life… Well not really miss out but long for them. Like maybe spending more time with my dad. Yes that’s the only thing I actually crave for the most. What else is there actually.
I love my dad a lot. And I know he loves me immensely. The fact he works so much is evidence enough. I have no complaints at all. But I guess I do miss those days when me and my dad would dance to “Baazigar O Baazigar”, watch movies, play games, go for ice cream, when he would carry me on his shoulders when we were at India Gate….
So yes I guess when u grow up u cannot have the exact same relationship with everyone. I might miss those days but I do not miss my dads love, because its always there for me. So I have memories and they make me happy. But I have my dad and that makes me happier.
So you may ask the purpose of this post….. Well just to say that even though I might miss the. TIME I spend with my dad I don’t miss the LOVE. :)
K that’s all…. :)

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