Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Just Series: Just Saying

Friends With Benefits u might have them? I have no comments on whether I have them or not... Cause everyone who is my friend seems to think that :P. But yah I do. They just don't know it muahhhhaahahahah (thats an evil laugh... btw)... I know its not something to be proud of... But I'm sure we all have them.
You can't tell me that every "friend" you have is your best friend and you would die for them. No right? There are some good friends and some not so good friends. But even then they exist. Maybe that's the friend you call when no one else is available or no one else wants to talk to you at that point of time.
Well to be honest I would never die for my friend literally. I mean come on, we just say those things most of the time, like bff's my love my life. BULL SHIT if you ask me. Today you may say it and tomorrow you will be at loggerheads with the same person. Its better you cherish the friendship today and hope that it stays the same tomorrow.
Another thing about "friends" that bug me is how we are able to move on so easily. I mean you get it right? Like we have fights and then they can migrate to a whole bunch of other friends with such ease and leave you wallowing in self pity.
So if you come to see aren't we all friends with benefits? Whether we are with someone because it make us happy or because we need them at that point.
Well to be honest I'm not sure of that. I have a few real good friends. And sometimes they just drive me up the bloody wall. But I love them. And if they are there when you need them the most they are there for you. It makes you feel like they love you because they know you are hurting and they have left everything else to support you at that time.
So yes this was about"friends with benefits" right. So yah i do have them. But I'm sure im just the same kind of friend to them as well... well cause we don't spend so much time with me. And they DON"T know me know me.....
What I feel is that often the word "friend" is used a lot these days. But i think thats a special word... just like "love" is. It should be used appropriately.. or it loses its significance.
You know what I'm really hating about myself lately? That the same thing i hated in someone else. I'm doing it now.... quite a lot lately actually. And what is that u might ask... It is bitching about friends. Not like derogatory bitching... but still. It's wrong. And i really feel ashamed now.
If I'm going to talk about someone i should either have the courage to tell it to them on their face or not speak about them to another friend at all. That'a a very pathetic and loser like habit.
Anyway I'm stopping right now. No MORE.... If I don't have anything else to talk about... then i'll just shut it.  Let my conscience be clean atleast. Self pity is the worst.
Lol That's just me.. trying to better myself :P But there is still A LONG WAY TO GO :P
Till then que sera sera ;)

1 comment:

  1. niki this is just too awesomeeeeee :)))))
    ur really very matured nw gal.....
    love uuuu cya
