Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Just Series: Just Changing

CHANGE one sits and wonders how a word this simple and small could have so many connotations. When we say the word change, atleast where I’m concerned, mean a very big difference to me.
But when one sits down and thinks about it. Change is a very integral part of our lives. We may not always like it or accept it but its still there. Sometimes you can prevent it but other times its out of your hand completely. Sometimes change is good sometimes you may not like it. But one had to think what’s all the fuss about? I mean its eminent that its going to have then why crib and cry over it? I came to the conclusion is its human naturenot to accept anything different without putting up a fight. You know because we have to show how cool we all are :) .
My whole problem is how people go on saying “You have changed from before. Your not the same.” well obviously I can’t be the same always. If I were to be the same always wudn I be sucking on a lollipop still (some people still do it I know). But you get what I mean life changes you and makes you react differently to things which say 5 or 10 years ago you would have acted totally differently to you. I bet the person saying I have changed has also changed. So what about that?
Often to me change means “progress” however or whichever way you see it. And change is important even to oneself. So just accept change and move on to the next venture instead of crying all the time. :P yes that coming from me.
Till next time Peace Out

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