Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Friday, September 9, 2011

New Beginnings

Well the days for me to go to the UK for my post graduation are so close..... It's so hard to believe that I'm going to be staying all on my own... I would never have in a million years thought I would have to stay completely on my own..

It's a new experience I guess but if I'm being completely honest I'm so terrified.... People say it's good to be independent.. But still I can't help feel completely terrified of the whole thing...

I make no qualms of the fact that I'm spoilt and get almost everything I have ever wanted and that my whole life has been always given to me...

Ah whatever lets see what's happens.. Will keep you posted

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lists 3: Favorite TV Shows

Here are a list of TV shows

  1. Criminal Minds
  2. Full House
  3. Friends
  4. Supernatural
  5. Teen Wolf
  6. The Vampire Diaries
  7. Modern Family
  8. The Mentalist
  9. Castle
  10. True Blood
  11. South Park
  12. Family Guy
  13. Cougar Town
  14. The Big Bang Theory
  15. Dexter
  16. White Collar
  17. The Simpsons
  18. How I Met Your Mother
  19. Scrubs
  20. Two and A Half Men
  21. 30 Rock

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Poems: 1st One


I looked up at the sky today,
Wondering what it had to say.
It looked down on me
But turned away.

The clouds seemed to run from me
Telling me to go away.
I buried my head into my hands
And weeped for morning.

But then I heard the ground speak to me
"What is it my friend that you seek?"
I began to entail, my problem with no solution,
Droplets in my eyes, seeing no evolution.\

"What's my purpose? What's my aim?
Is there anything left for me to stay?"
The ground never answered, for all but a while
it longed to stop making me cry.

"Get your head out from the clouds,
Get your feet back on the ground,
The test of time is here and now.
The test you should not fail."

A simple answer,
But the thought was long,
I did not understand or worse i did not heed.
I had everything, so why was i so empty?

Questions left unanswered i walked a long way back home,
Of course with realization greater than gold
I love you, I told myself
There is nothing greater than loving yourself!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lists: Movies

Here is a List of Few of the Movies I like.

1.) Movies I Like in NO Particular order.. except for Shawshank (English)
  1. The Shawshank Redemption
  2. Monsters Inc.
  3. The Rock
  4. Tranformers (All 3)
  5. Mrs. Doubtfire
  6. Ice Age (1 and 2)
  7. Cars
  8. Toy Story (All 3)
  9. Sleepers
  10. Batman (Christian Bale Series)
  11. Finding Nemo
  12. Stand By Me
  13. Walk To Remember
  14. A Cinderella Story
  15. Titanic
  16. Cheaper By The Dozen
  17. X-Men (All)
  18. Crank (1)
  19. Harry Potter (1 and 2)
  20. Mulan
  21. 10 Things I Hate About You
  22. Transporter (1)
  23. Resident Evil (All)
  24. American Pie (1 and 2)
  25. Fast and the Furious (1,2,4 and 5)
  26. Just Like Heaven
  27. Legally Blonde
  28. Eight Below
  29. 101 Dalmations
  30. Brother Bear
  31. Dumbo
  32. Dunston Checks In
  33. Slepless In Seattle
  34. Alien v/s Predator
  35. Alien (Part 1)
  36. See Spot Run
  37. Big Daddy
  38. The Hills Have Eyes
  39. Mr and Mrs. Smith
  40. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
  41. Smokin Aces
  42. Face Off
  43. Fight Club
  44. The Ring (1)
  45. The Lion King
  46. Marley and Me
  47. How To Train Your Dragon
  48. Shrek (All)
  49. Taken
  50. Inception


Ok just an introduction to my following "List" blogs. So I'm going to be making "Lists" of various things i like/dislike... or whatever i just want to talk about.

My blogging has become almost next to nothing so this is how im going to "blog". If you can call it that. Well my blog so I feel it is. :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Just Series: Just Saying

Friends With Benefits u might have them? I have no comments on whether I have them or not... Cause everyone who is my friend seems to think that :P. But yah I do. They just don't know it muahhhhaahahahah (thats an evil laugh... btw)... I know its not something to be proud of... But I'm sure we all have them.
You can't tell me that every "friend" you have is your best friend and you would die for them. No right? There are some good friends and some not so good friends. But even then they exist. Maybe that's the friend you call when no one else is available or no one else wants to talk to you at that point of time.
Well to be honest I would never die for my friend literally. I mean come on, we just say those things most of the time, like bff's my love my life. BULL SHIT if you ask me. Today you may say it and tomorrow you will be at loggerheads with the same person. Its better you cherish the friendship today and hope that it stays the same tomorrow.
Another thing about "friends" that bug me is how we are able to move on so easily. I mean you get it right? Like we have fights and then they can migrate to a whole bunch of other friends with such ease and leave you wallowing in self pity.
So if you come to see aren't we all friends with benefits? Whether we are with someone because it make us happy or because we need them at that point.
Well to be honest I'm not sure of that. I have a few real good friends. And sometimes they just drive me up the bloody wall. But I love them. And if they are there when you need them the most they are there for you. It makes you feel like they love you because they know you are hurting and they have left everything else to support you at that time.
So yes this was about"friends with benefits" right. So yah i do have them. But I'm sure im just the same kind of friend to them as well... well cause we don't spend so much time with me. And they DON"T know me know me.....
What I feel is that often the word "friend" is used a lot these days. But i think thats a special word... just like "love" is. It should be used appropriately.. or it loses its significance.
You know what I'm really hating about myself lately? That the same thing i hated in someone else. I'm doing it now.... quite a lot lately actually. And what is that u might ask... It is bitching about friends. Not like derogatory bitching... but still. It's wrong. And i really feel ashamed now.
If I'm going to talk about someone i should either have the courage to tell it to them on their face or not speak about them to another friend at all. That'a a very pathetic and loser like habit.
Anyway I'm stopping right now. No MORE.... If I don't have anything else to talk about... then i'll just shut it.  Let my conscience be clean atleast. Self pity is the worst.
Lol That's just me.. trying to better myself :P But there is still A LONG WAY TO GO :P
Till then que sera sera ;)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Just Series: Just Changing

CHANGE one sits and wonders how a word this simple and small could have so many connotations. When we say the word change, atleast where I’m concerned, mean a very big difference to me.
But when one sits down and thinks about it. Change is a very integral part of our lives. We may not always like it or accept it but its still there. Sometimes you can prevent it but other times its out of your hand completely. Sometimes change is good sometimes you may not like it. But one had to think what’s all the fuss about? I mean its eminent that its going to have then why crib and cry over it? I came to the conclusion is its human naturenot to accept anything different without putting up a fight. You know because we have to show how cool we all are :) .
My whole problem is how people go on saying “You have changed from before. Your not the same.” well obviously I can’t be the same always. If I were to be the same always wudn I be sucking on a lollipop still (some people still do it I know). But you get what I mean life changes you and makes you react differently to things which say 5 or 10 years ago you would have acted totally differently to you. I bet the person saying I have changed has also changed. So what about that?
Often to me change means “progress” however or whichever way you see it. And change is important even to oneself. So just accept change and move on to the next venture instead of crying all the time. :P yes that coming from me.
Till next time Peace Out