Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Poems: 1st One


I looked up at the sky today,
Wondering what it had to say.
It looked down on me
But turned away.

The clouds seemed to run from me
Telling me to go away.
I buried my head into my hands
And weeped for morning.

But then I heard the ground speak to me
"What is it my friend that you seek?"
I began to entail, my problem with no solution,
Droplets in my eyes, seeing no evolution.\

"What's my purpose? What's my aim?
Is there anything left for me to stay?"
The ground never answered, for all but a while
it longed to stop making me cry.

"Get your head out from the clouds,
Get your feet back on the ground,
The test of time is here and now.
The test you should not fail."

A simple answer,
But the thought was long,
I did not understand or worse i did not heed.
I had everything, so why was i so empty?

Questions left unanswered i walked a long way back home,
Of course with realization greater than gold
I love you, I told myself
There is nothing greater than loving yourself!

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