Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

You Have A Problem With Me? Then Go Blow A Horse

 Im amazed at how hypocritical people can be. I mean really. You feel bad when people stereotype, typecast you in a pigeon hole, but you do the same thing. And i can tell you that these people are bloody losers. They have no life, so find pleasure in pulling down someone else, just so they can look good in front of their friends or whatever.

Ok so when I'm on Facebook or Twitter i see people comment on how they think people who smoke or drink are "pathetic", "losers." Who the hell made you queen of all knowing? Who are you to judge these people. Are you their God to pass judgement. They know what they are doing. they are aware of the situation. So why are you trying to pose your freaking "values" on them. Let me tell you praying everyday and fulfilling the wish of your parents or being miss goody two shoes does not make you a good person. It's how you behave with other people and your reactions when not monitored that make the person you are. Why does it bother you that people drink, smoke or do drugs. they aren't coming at your house and doing it are they? So why are your knickers in a bunch? Mind your own business and stop poking your dirty nose. Now i personally don't do any of these (drink, smoke or do drugs). And many of my friends do it, the most i can do is advice them to stop but i cannot judge them. They have their own conscience and individual thought process. Just because they don't act or think like me doesn't make them any less of a good person.

And this does not only pertain to habits but also judging someone's character. Why just cause a girl wears short or revealing clothes, you call her a sl*t or wh*re. The so-called "good" actresses also wear skimpy clothes how come you never raise a finger on them? Then it's modern and classic. What shit? And just cause two people are going out and close they are having sex? For all you know they may be related.. and not even if they are what is it to you? And just cause a girl has many guy friends she is slut? Its called being "Friends" moron.

What I'm trying to drive home is that don't judge people of what they do. you never know how the person is until you actually get to know them. Believe me some people who seem very innocent are the biggest backstabbing low lives you will ever come across. Don't pass judgement on people you don't know two squats about. Be open and not discriminate. Since you don;t like to be on the receiving end of judgement don't pass it on someone else either. Believe me I'm one of both people; those who get judged and those who judge. But I realize that its not right, How can i possibly feel bad when people make fun/pass judgement on me when i do the same when the tables are turned, thanks to one tweet by a friend.

Anyways Guys my exams are on but i have like 6 days gap for a paper.. So yah! Have a great Easter!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Looney Tunes! Those were the Days

Cartoon Network was by a long stretch the BEST Kids Network when i was a kid. All my favourite shows especially Tom and Jerry, Looney Toons, The Jetsons, The Flinstones, Yogi Bear, Top Cat, Dexter's Laboratory, The Powerpuff Girls, Scooby Doo etc... They were so good. And i would specially like to bring Looney Toons into limelight here. I mean who can forget Daffy, Bugs, Tweety, Sylvester, Elmer, Martin, Porky, Taz and the whole enchilada. They were Funny not because they were great in graphics or transformed into aliens or were Ninjas... they were just funny.

Hey Arnold! Olga was the funniest.. being obsessed with "football head" 

Tommy, chucky, phil &lil, and of course Angelica!

When i just started my teen years Nickelodeon was my favourite. Like Hey! Arnold, As Told By Ginger, Rugrats, The Wild Thornberry's, Real Monsters, CatDog, Fairly Odd Parents, Chalkzone, Jimmy Neutron and Spongebob Squarepants. I loved them. In fact these were all i watched. Disney came to India awfully late and my that time there  was this HAnnah Montana garbage. I also like All That very much. Those skits were funny... not popstar- normal girl funny.

All I want to say is that those were the days when cartoons were about being funny and not about making sense. It was made for the reason cartoons were ade... that is to be fun and entertaining. All this Ben 10, Ninja Hatori, Hannah Montana... these are all stupid idiotic non fucking sense shit  thrown at our face.

And thats why i like Disney Pixar films a lot. But we really need to bring the old whacky funny and ecstatic tunes back stat... Please Bring them BAck

Ting Ting Ting.. its an UPDATE!!!!

You know the drill:

1. Exams are tomo.. yuckity yuckity yuck
2. Still trying to fathom why exams are treated like such a major task in ones life... in other words why  
    everyone is so fucking obsessed.
3. Have not study.. and trust me when i say so.... I'm not like those cheap asswipes who say that they have
    not studied and become class toppers.
4. I no longer want an iPhone i want a blackberry... dint know they come in awesome colors. Haha i know
    my criteria for choosing a phone is its COLOR. But we all know blackberry's rock. (DO what you WANT, LOVE what you Do)
5. Watched a million japanese horror films... these Japs are really good at it.
6. I really want to go to Maui... atleast once.
7. Oh yah i got SIMS 3 for my MAC.. wow i love that game.. it makes you feel like God controlling the
   life of others haha  
8. Hmmm what else? I dont remember.. exam stress you know haha joking.. But seriously i do not remember.. so ciao for now

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Update To Life!!! My LIFE!

I had like 15 mins to spare so here goes:

1. iPhone 3GS hasn released here yet.. shit!
2. Dad wants to know an iPAD.. no i dont want an iPad i want an i-P-H-O-N-E
3. Got 42/50 in my Business Communication Paper.... too bad the subject isn considered much.
4. Won my first prize in a lottery kind of thing.. my prize? A chinese watch.
5. The next day snoopy ate the watch
6. Got a new iPod nano.... Pink.. i know.. but they did not have purple.
7. Went to a Shitfaced asscrap dumbfuck Party.. or so it was called.. ive seen better.. but was organized pretty well...
8. Zeroed in on the UK Universities i want to pursue.. discussion with dad still pending
9. Finished almost all Nicholas Spark books
10. Snoopy has ruined almost my whole room
11. I need to go shopping.
12. Lost my wallet.. with my debit card.
13. Got that cancelled
14. Getting a new one
15. Saw princess and the frog, zombieland.
thats all i can remember.. now i really gtg.. bye
