Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rant 1: Stuff That Bothers :)

The statement “Everybody in this world is different” can be actually really wrong. We may be different in appearance and the way we speak or where we come from. But one thing I think is unanimous in all of us: We all do things, Consciously or sub- consciously, for our benefit.

Anything we do in our lives is actually and ultimately for ourselves. Even though we may never realize it, we never think of anyone but ourselves. So does that make us conceited? Well thats a yes and no. So this is where my theme/topic comes into play.

The word “being used” is extremely looked down upon. In lay mans language it would mean something entirely “cheap.” But the fact of the matter is we all do it. Throughout our lives we either USE people or we are USED by people. Of course its better to use than to be used cause then your fate completely depends on the person using you.

Some of you may think of course not we do not do that. Ok honestly ask yourself the last time you did something just to make someone happy. Or the last time you did something without thinking of your personal gain. And HONESTLY ask yourself. But you cannot even do that because self evaluating one self is the toughest task. We ourselves never know the person we are. We are so confused with our own identity that we cannot judge ourselves therefore we adopt a different persona befitting the occasion.

We blame our lack of judgement on “peer pressure” or “work environment” or “culture.” You would not need to succumb to any kind of “pressure” if you know who you were in entirety. I have seen many people “change” when faced with different people or places. I too have changed the way I am to “suit” the occasion. The person who you think to be the most humblest and “good” person can change that persona in a blink of an eye.

Sow who is the real me then? Even i do not know. None of us know the real us. We just act “normal.” Like any of us know what normal means. Its just another over used word like sorry. Oh how i hate the word sorry. No one ever means it. EVER! They just say it to calm a situation or to completely avoid it. Actually when do we mean anything we ever say.

Comment Question: What are your opinions on the subject... leave a comment telling me the stuff that bothers you. Have you figured out Who you are? Do you act Differently in front of different people? 

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Monday, April 12, 2010

I will try:

1. To blog more often than i do. Cause i have a lot of things to talk about. So yeah!
2. Not use abusive language or keep it to the minimum. I can see how that can  offend people. The thing is sometimes something just triggers a sort of spark in me to blog so I'm all fired up then and things just flow then.
3. Im goin to blog more on personal experiences.
4. I will post the same stuff on Or atleast i will put the things i feel are relevant.
5. I have other Blogs as well, go to my profile and check them out.
6. Please leave any suggestions/comments after my blog.. this way i know what you guys feel. I want to make this as interactive as possible.
7. Let's share stuff cause we more or less go through the same things.
8. Ok thats it. So lets have a great time blogging!

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