Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, Stories... and everything else...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Letting Go

We All Know That We Will Die One Day, But We Don’t Believe It Or We Would Live Differently.”
These were the words spoken by my father on the alter on the day of the memorial mass of my grandfather. He died on 20th June 2010. He had been sick for 3.5 years. When he was diagnosed with his lung disease the doctor gave him maximum two years to live.
You see my grandfather was not just a grandfather to me.. he was not a person i would see on holidays.. he was more a father to me.. he was a friend and a confidant. My parents separated when i was 6 years old ever since then my grandmother and grandfather have looked after me for most of it. My father was consumed in his work so he could give me a life i probably couldn’t even dream of and he has. 
It never ever struck me that one day I’m not going to have my grandfather. I just assumed he would always be there but then one day he wasn’t. I could never wish him for another birthday, he wouldn’t see me grow.. i could not tell him that i loved him and i couldn’t ask him for forgiveness for the times i behaved badly.
I learnt that day the value of time and how selfishly we waste it thinking there will be a tomorrow. But what if tomorrow doesn’t come? I wasted a whole day thinking about tomorrow when i could’ve spent it in a better way. But that time has gone and i don’t see the point in crying over his grave telling him i love him... I shouldve showed it to him when he was alive.
Live today like there is no tomorrow.. Cause many a times there isn’t and rather not regret the time wasted later 
:) I did not get chance to give a speech at the alter that day in memory of my grandpa but if i did it would go something like this and i’m glad i could share it with all of you today.